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My longarm magic wand is working!- updated with finished photos

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I have got to learn to really measure the quilt while the customer is here.  Usually it's once through the center both directions to determine size.  This one is way the heck out of square.  Of course, it's hexagons, so that might be part of it ;).


I've never really done "strategic tucks", but boy does this one have some.  All in all, I'm quite pleased with how well it's turning out.  I think I started at the worst end, and should have taken a before or two.  Maybe at the bottom end.


Now, if I could only get the magic wand to work on my thighs!

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I like the idea, but that sounds pretty tacky to tell your customer that their quilt is a PITA.  Another reason I can't take before photos and put them on my website.  I'd hate to be the person who pieced a quilt that has a "before".  Either that or we have to put a black box over the quilt's "eyes" like they do in magazines.

Yes, I'm a goofball.

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Hilarious but true, Beth! 

I agonize over informing a customer that their quilt caused problems. The best I can do is mention that "there was some fullness in one border" or "it seemed like the sashings had been stretched to fit the blocks". I've learned that every piecer knows what's wrong with the top. They put on the blinders and hand it to me. And then hope I can work around the problems. 

I'm glad your magic wand is working so well!

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