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Needle up/down slow???

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I have a millie but I would think your machine would be really similar.  I know that on mine, you can go under the "hood" and adjust that #8 screw to either speed up the needle up/down or slow it down, you can look in your manuel or call APQS and they can help you make that adjustment.  It should not affect the speed of your quilting, just the up/down function.

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I had the same problem on my first Millie. I met Dawn C. at Quilting in the Waterfront in August of '06. Dawn was so nice, she drew the machine and showed how to fix this problem. I still have her instructions and drawing she did. When I got home and did what she said, it took care of the problem. I had to do this once or twice a year.

It is great to have such awesome support from the staff at APQS!

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The needle on Millie has been dragging on the quilt top when I stop the machine with needle in the up position.  I suspected the #8 screw but never got the manual out to check where it is and how to make the adjustment.  I watched the video, tightened the #8 screw one full turn and now the needle goes up and down in proper time and stops at the correct height.  Thank you, APQS!

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