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Old dog still learning

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I deleted the post. Seems it was more confusing than helpful. Suffice to say, I found a method to mark piano keys by using the channel locks and tried to share the technique. I'm amazed when after so many years of experience I can figure out something new (to me)!


Sorry for the confusion. ;)

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I take a strip of adding machine tape, cut it the length of the border, then fold in half and again and again until I have a folded piece that is approximately 2" + wide (or whatever spacing you like).............I open the tape and lay on the border, pinning each end and then mark the spacing.   Saves a lot of wear and tear on my brain trying to figure out fractions to get the spacing close.   Doing that for each border also helps when there is a little bit of difference in the measurements.   

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I don't even have channel locks and I liked what you said.  Should have read it better, but like Terry, I thought I'd look again later.  You may have to put it back...lol.  Thanks for sharing with us. :)

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Linda, I meant that to be funny but I missed the mark. :( I'm on some medicine and some days my brain just doesn't work -- actually a lot of days this month. I was going to go back and read your post again on a better day. I apologize to everyone as if I hadn't made that statement, I'm sure Linda's post would still be there. I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry, Linda.

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Bonnie my friend! I wasn't offended at all! Please don't beat yourself up over this! I have trouble editing myself, figuring too much info is better than not enough, resulting in TMI and sometimes a glazed-over look from my companions! 


This gist of this technique was to use only one set of small marks at the outside edge of a border for stitching even and straight piano keys. Put the edge of the hopping foot against one mark, engage the appropriate channel lock, slide the foot across the border (machine not running) and mark another tiny mark at the seam. This cancels the need to mark keys all across a border and the removal of those marks when you finish. Stitch your first line with the CL (channel lock) on---across to the seam. Take off the CL, SID in the seam to the next mark, CL on and stitch back to the edge of the border. CL off, stitch on the batting to the next mark, and repeat. Hope this is easier to visualize! I love you guys!

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Linda, I'm so glad you explained it again. I got it this time, but my brain is functioning today!


Boy I sure wish I had that channel lock feature as that sounds like a fantastic way to do the border piano keys!

Nothing worse than having a slanty piano border, even after you've spent time marking both sides.

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