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Scissor holder


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Well, learned something new the other day. Video from APQS discussing the much miced scissor holder at the top of the machine.  Wait, it isn't a scissor holder??? I' love be.  New knowledge sure came in handy when a customer wanted a butterfly stitched.....

Moved my laser and Bam, I am stitching a butterfly!!!

Now if I can only find my scissors...lol 




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Lol I thought the same way before I saw the video by Dawn.  I know when I had my Millie I read through my manual but I sure didn't remember this part.  I did try putting my laser there but I couldn't figure out how I could use it that way because I wasn't smart enough to make a work table to hold the stencil!  LOL would have been nice if I had.  I'm a slow learner.  I loved the video and everything else all the gals at APQS do to help us learn.


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