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COVID 19 and Quilt Intake

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I have my customers put the parts in a seal-able bag (like a big Zip-loc) and drop it in front of my garage. I put out a wire bin on a small table that is under cover. We may talk at a distance. They put any instructions in the bag. I wear protective gloves, wipe the bag thoroughly with a disinfectant, then it goes into an un-used, un-heated shop for three days (or longer).  I phone to discuss choices of thread and quilting. After quilting, she picks up in the same way and she uses whatever method she's comfortable with to assure it's safe. I'm in Washington State where people are advised to disinfect anything that comes into your living spaces. And I have a hubby with some lung problems so I'm not taking any chances. So far no one has balked and everyone is dropping off. I do four quilts a month so it isn't a parade of customers. One thing that stuck with me was a statement that "if you overreact, you'll never know if it was the right decision. If you under-react, you will know immediately". Stay well and safe. And if you decide it's necessary to stop all contact, provisions are in place to provide benefits to self-employed workers.

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thanks for the tips. I have started quarantining all incoming. So far, knock on wood, no virus in our county. I'm afraid its only due to lack of testing. The county just north of us is blowing up. I am not encouraging folks to drop off quilts which is fine by me. I have a few projects of my own that I would like time to do.

Everyone take care and play safe.

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  • 4 months later...

In the time of this virus most companies have failed.. as for me, I've found work at home so I would have at least some money to  live from.  Anyway, I would be happy to return to my work and spend at home as less time as possible.. I know that most of the companies have reopened now and the employees have to pass the test on the virus if they wanna work at the office. Our company is afraid to invite us all in before we take the test.. So we had all to buy this https://www.confirmbiosciences.com/covid19-sars-antigen-rapid-swab-tests/ and do the tests at home.. That was weird :)

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Mostly wearing a mask and client too. Quilts in bags, let sit for a couple of days. Discuss what she wants and stay 6+ ft apart. If a brand new client, I will open the bag and look at the quilts first. Discuss what long arming is and what to expect. takes more time. 

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