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Blog updates - what has been on your machine?

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I've just put up pictures on my blog of my quilt that took second place for longarm quilting and the National Quilting Championships last weekend. I was really pleased because it was just a play piece. I think the quilt that won was done with a computer guided machine too so I think I can live with that. Of course I do want to win next year :)

I will be posting pictures of my latest project soon. I've been making a chair on my machine. It is all fabric but it will be self supporting. So far I have completed the back and side pieces but not got them all assembled. It is effectively two very odd shaped quilts with a stabilizer as the backing. It is something I have been thinking about for a while, I took a class on 3d texctiles and I was disapointed to find her pieces weren't self supporting. To me that isn't a 'proper' sculpture. This really is a textile structure. I am already thinking about making a table to go with it.

I think i've found the machines limit now, I had to work very slowly to keep it happy with this project. What is the strangest thing you've put on your frame? I've done a single postcard and leather quilts now this chair, I'd love to hear what other wacky stuff has been done.


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Your creativity is super! I guess you have stretched the capabilities of the machine to the edge--until you find that next challenge!!

Many of us are just trying to learn the basics and are happy when we master a new (flat!) technique.

I am still blown away by your globe. It must be exciting inside your head!!!

Keep it up, Ferret, for us to watch and learn. Thanks.

Linda Rech

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My friend and one of my mentor's Liz Berg's quilt was the last quilt to be on my Millie. She has a George she usually quilts with, however this particular quilt was WAY to big. She asked to come over to bring this extra large commissioned art wall quilt, of course I said yes! The quilt's backing was a thick, heavy decorator fabric with batting and layers of fused fabric. We lost a couple of needles on this one. Nothing the Millie couldn't handle though!

Ferret, that chair is SO COOL!!


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Ferret, not to sound too mushy here but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being a member of this APQS chat. All of us here are fortunate to witness your continued evolution in using longarm quilting as your choice to express your art, that you always share with us your contributions, and your very artistic talents and techniques. I appreciate you and your "just go for it, no fear" attitude to venture into new ways of quilting. You are an inspiration to all of us.

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Cheryl, that looks like it has many of the same problems as the chair. I broke a few needles, but I got the hang of it. It does seem to need a particular way of moving to make it work. I think if I want to go any thicker or more solid I will need a more powerful motor and heavier needles. Anyone know if the Milli is stronger that the Discovery? I suspect it is more likely to be upset by this kind of thing, but I could be wrong.

I don't think this one will be strong enough to sit on, but I am working on ways of doing that. It is child sized partly to deter people from trying to sit on it. Hopefuly the plinth will be fairly high at the show too. I do want to do a lot more 3D work, so watch this space. I would love to see other people playing with some of these things too, there is so much potential in quilting, I can't possibly play with a decent fraction of it.

Thanks for the support,


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Yeah, good thing needles are cheap! I don't know about the Discovery, I would think they are the same.

I didn't mean to hog your post. I was just sharing a weird quilt!

Make sure you put caution tape around that chair while it's displayed. I can just see someone trying to sit on it! Let us know how it works out!

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I did ask, I love hearing what other wacky things are being done. I've gone back to something more normal tonight, and would you believe it, I am finding it much harder. I guess I am just wierd.

I've also just realised I have sent out quilt to a shop without taking pictures again. I seem to be making a habit of it. Just as well they weren't exciting.


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