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Ultimate 1 with no trusses!

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I have an old (1993)u Ultimate one that I bought second hand. There was no manual. I simply took good notes when I saw her set up and reproduced how it was in the other lady’s house. She stitches well and I’ve quilted two quilts on her. Not perfect by any means, but acceptable.

However…I’ve never got her to ride easy and she takes a lot of work to move around. MUCH more than anything I’ve seen at a show. I’m able only to do simple lines with any accuracy. I’m on a crusade to make her as smooth and easy as possible. (Can’t afford a Bliss at this point.)

Today I learned that the table is meant to have a truss strap, and trusses! Imagine my surprise when I realized I’m actually missing pieces!

I have what I THINK are M and M wheels, but with locking nuts, not the cam nuts. 

Could the lack of the strap and trusses be at least part of the problem? I’d like Big Bertha to fly across the table!

Any advice appreciated.


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Something in the back of my mind says not all tables came with the truss.  I think the 12 foot tables were ok without but the 14 foot one would sag in the middle.  In the following video I don’t see a truss at the 2:12 mark.  The video also shows the cam adjustment for the wheels.  Four wheels adjust and four are fixed.  https://www.apqs.com/table-adjustments-video/  Hope this helps.  


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