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One down, 15 to go....

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What was I thinking!?!?!?!

I just finished the first of 16 blocks with this checkerboard. This is a 9" block and it took me almost 2 hours to do the checkerboard on the first block.

Let's see now..... 15 more blocks at 2 hours, I have about 30 more hours of tiny quilting, and then I have sashings and the border to do. I'm wondering if I had a moment of insanity or something when I started doing this quilt... Guess what I'll be doing on July 4th??

Ok back at it. Only 15 of them left. I'm thinking that I can quilt the grid lines and then come back and fill in the checkerboard and it might go faster. Anyone done this before and have tips for making it go faster???

Here's a picture of the first block. The quilt will look great when it's done, and I hope my customer likes it.



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Debbi - That is just beautiful! I love what you are doing, it will be so worth it -

your customer has to love it - it's awesome! Keep it up - what a show

stopper! I think I might borrow this idea if that is alright by you!;)

Yes - you could do just the grid work first and then go back and fill-them-in ,

might just make you "feel" like you are getting done faster! LOL!!:)

Please share a finished photo of the whole quilt when you can - again - it

is just beautiful!

So - those are 1/2" squares? Cool! Are you using Bottom line thread?

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Debbi, all I can say is "GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO DO EXCEPTIONAL QUILTING" and this is certainly fitting in the exceptional category. What a very cool and unique idea to do these little squares in the background. So, even tho it will take many tedious hours, the result will be rewarded back to you in spades. You go, girl! I am utterly blown away by your tenacity to always kick it up a notch with your quilting.

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Thank you for the kind comments. I can't take the credit for this idea though. The idea came from a quilt hanging at the APQS showroom here in Des Moines. I'm not sure, but I think it is one of Marilyn Badgers quilts. I also was this checkerboard on several quilted garments at MQS. I really like how it looks, but I sure under estimated how much time it would take.

The customer said she wanted really special quilting on this quilt because she wants to enter it into the state fair. I'm not sure how well it will do because the applique does not always have smooth curves and the blocks are not quite square. But, if my customer is happy with it , then that's all that matters.

Judi O - Yes those are 1/2" squares.

Kendall - My machine is a Millenium. The best there is as far as I'm concerned!!


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You are in the process of creating a masterpiece,you should get a ribbon for the quilting alone...and believe me no one will even notice the imperfections that the piecer did after seeing your beautiful quilting. Can't wait to see the whole thing finished. Take lots of pics!!!


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Wowww-eeeee!!! That is sooo beautiful! Just the grid alone would have been wonderful, but then to glorify it....really over the top! Great job. I had to laugh when you said one of the squares that wasn't done "stuck out like a sore thumb." I looked and looked and looked and couldn't see it. Beautiful job!

Lynne in Ann Arbor

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This is confirmation that "the quilting makes the quilt". It will be absolutely breathtaking when you are done. I'll have to remember to look at it during state fair -- maybe it will win "Best Machine Quilting" -- wouldn't that be nice!

Drink lots of water, take lots of breaks and set small goals, it's easier to finish that way.

Let's see the whole quilt soon!


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Very interesting fill for those blocks. Really sets off the applique work. Good idea & exceptional quilting. Go, Girl. You're doing a great job and it will be so worth it for the completed quilt.

Thanks for sharing. It's lovely!




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Debbie, That quilt is beautiful! I love the quilting that your'e doing on it. If it makes you feel better I'm working on a queen sized quilt right now that is promised back by the 6th- 4 days- I have 3 blocks done out of 35. I have no idea of what to do for the borders or sashings. So you'll have quilting company on the 4th, even if we're not in the same state. Makes sure to take brakes, it will help you keep your sanity, that's what I'm doing now, but I guess I'll head back to it. Good luck, I hope it ribbons! DB

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Debbi that is awesome! I hear you about underestimating your time. I guess the silver linning in this has to be that when others see your quilting it will bring you recognition and customers. If you have a website you might want to have this as the first quilt.

I have a website for my business and the photo that is behind my wording is something I did a ton of work on with not near enough payment for the amount of time. Everyone loves the photo..................it is a McTavished background against some great applique and piecing.

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Guest Linda S

LOL Debbie - why is it we never consider these things when we first come up with our design ideas? ;) It will be beautiful though, so let us see when you're finished!


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