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Happy 4th, Everbody!! What did you quilt for today?

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Hey, I hope everyone has a very fun and happy 4th of July celebration!

Just out of curiosity, I wonder if any folks have quilted something, or just made something, special for today. Anybody?

Here's what I made: baked beans! Well, I soaked them overnight and they're in the crock now. Will put stuff on them later to simmer all day.

Did anybody SEW anything special? Wish I could have. I think someone said they were making something for the soldiers for today? Show us some pic's if you can!

Happy 4th!!!

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Well I have been having problems with my machine it is running hot after about one bobbin. I will take it to my dealer in Colorado next week for repair and will be getting a loaner if he needs to keep it. In any case I can do about 1 bobbin at a shot and then have to let the machine sit for about 3 hours. Because of this I am getting very little done and am trying to do my stuff in short incriments....................so this morning I did my bit on a customer quilt. Good news is that I just rolled it to the end so tonight I will finish those last 20 or so inches and this one will be done.

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It's early here, yet, but I just finished two appliqued Christmas wreath pillowcases for a little 84 year old lady who used to quilt beautifully and prolifically (is that a word?) but she can no longer sew. She wants to sell her quilting supplies and fabrics, and called me to help her. She has everything organized into little plastic bins. In one of them were 24 red, white and blue hand pieced log cabin blocks, and the extra fabric to finish the quilt. I am having a grand (I hope) opening of my longarm business on the 14th, so I offered to try and get some money for her stuff. She said she wants to make some money to help her 62 year old daughter, who has had a stroke, and now has two tumors in her brain. If no one buys the log cabin blocks, I'm going to!

I also measured and cut the back and batting for my first customer quilt ever. It is a stack and whack. I would love to do some fancy custom work on it, but she just wants basic, so I will do some meandering vines and leaves.

Have a wonderful day,


Inverness, FL

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It's gonna be another scorcher here in North Pole today...My igloo is melting!! ;) Temps have been in the mid 80's all week...yesterday's high was 86 degrees. :cool: I have a 30"x30" wallhanging on the longarm and I'll do some quilting on it. DH is working on the home remodel and we're hanging out here to eat barbeque steaks for supper tonight.

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I am going to finish the last 3 rows of quilting on my king size quilt (which I loaded on my machine last night at 8:00, was up past midnight working on it) before I load up a custom (customer's quilt).

Then there will be several loads of laundry, dirty dishes, picking up after the kids and ending with watching the 4th of July fireworks while we swim in our pool (it has been a tradtion of ours for years since we have a great veiw of our local fireworks from our back yard).

That's the fun fillesd packed day I have planned for today, LOL ;)


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Nothing quilty for the day--but I did use a red white and blue quilt for my nieces to sit on while we watched the parade at a small town nearby--and tonight we go to watch the demolition derby there--my daughters boyfriend and friends are in the derby and it is fun to watch them--oh and I "sponsered" Tyler's car--so he put Lizard Creek Quilting on the derby car--we'll see if that gets any business!!!

Happy 4th!!

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Finally I have my machine running again. Had trouble getting a wheel with censor back on but I finally did. Back to custom. 80% complete. I hope I get it done today. I'm not enjoying this quilt. Lots of dark browns and difficult to see and I have done a few of this pattern. I could be sick of it. I should finish it and its back to drawing again. Yippy

Lots of Rain where I am. No good for getting out in.

Hope your 4th of July is a good one

Have a great week everyone and prayers to the families in Kansas and surrounding states who are suffering due to HEAVY Flooding. May you find comfort and shelter and safety for you families.

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Frying chicken - southern style. I've been working on red, white and blue star blocks for a sampler I'm making to show the quilt shops. Otherwise, friends coming over to swim later and for chicken ---- the temps might reach 115 today! Shana - I wish your igloo were here. take care all and happy 4th!

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Happy Fourth of July to all!

Today I worked a shift at my day job and I am now joyfully stitching in my air-conditioned "studio" on Jessica's baby quilt. I just came in to throw some marinade on a steak for dinner.

It's 80 degrees here and our first summery weather this year.

Life is good!!!!

Linda Rech

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I got up and started sewing up a storm. Alas, no quilting. I bought a purse pattern when I was at MQX and I worked on that today. It really is coming out great.

It is sew nice to have a day to sew!

Here is a link to the pattern if anyone is interested. It is much, much cuter close up and personal.


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I quilted to lap quilts and am now working on a Quilt of Valor for wounded soldiers. I thought that was appropriate for the 4th. Ladies from my guild make the tops and I quilt them and then they are sent to the hospital in Germany. Now my family is getting ready to head to the fireworks and the Overture with real canons.

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Shana, LOL! my igloo melted in March! But the funny thing is we had 90's weather today, but it felt like the 100's, only I was so lucky to have a friend invite our family over for an impromptu pool party in her pool, so cooled it all day there. Yay! I am a PRUNE! Now it's cooling off, and it's funny to have you say your igloo is melting in only 80's weather, LOL!! Really it was STIFLING next to her house as we sat in the shade of her patio umbrella..... can't imagine why. Guess it's our clear Portland, OR air here. The sun simply FRIES when it's clear. He's just not used to being seen around here, so when he is he shines for all he's worth, Mr. Sun in the Sky, he does. Anyway..... LOL! igloo melting! ha!

Teresa, hope you got it done, and good luck on the overheating!!

Karol ......... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyikes!!!!!!!! Christmas!!!! how COULD you?????!!!!!!! Well, I hope you had a nice 4th anyway. :) And SO good luck on your first customer quilt ever!!

Joann, again I am GREEN with envy. No matter where I live I can never see decent fireworks without driving in tons of traffic an parking miles away from the designated park and walking through crowds and sitting on wet lawn and getting bit by bugs and listening to drunks/loadies and being disappointed with the finales which are never big enough. But I love it all anyway!

yeoldeforest, oh that explains it. At first I only noticed the post where you put "sorry", as if you were apologizing for your work, LOL! Now I see. Well, and I was going to tell you it was ridiculous for you to apologize for such a beautiful piece of art work. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the pics!

Cheryl, have you ever heard that song: Love Makes the World Go Round ? I have it on a recording. Well, as I read your post I thought "quilts make the world go round". Without your care for your customers and other shop-keepers like you, life in these United States itself would be impossible. Yup. ;)

Terri, how fun is that?! And you are SOOOOOO smart to get your biz. name on your DD's BF's car!! Great job! P.S. My DD's first BF's name is also Tyler. She is with his family now watching fireworks at their local park. Sigh..... the years have gone by so fast.....

Grammie Tammie, how close are you to San Antonio? My best friend lives there. Maybe I"ll give her a jingle tomorrow and ask how's the weather. Thanks for the heads-up on weather in Kansas!

pigletaz, that's what you get for living in a desert, LOL! I wish you cool rain soon. Hey, I thought at first you were saying you stitched a fried chicken quilt, LOL!!! I was going to ask you to post a pic, and where'd you get the pattern to it. ha!! Hope you cool off soon.

Linda R. I hope that steak is really really good tonight, cuz you have earned it girl! How'd it go stitching Jessica's baby's quilt? Hope we can see the pics soon, but I know you're waiting till the gals receive them. Blessings on you for doing it!

Gail, cute purse! I bought a purse pattern recently too, and can hardly wait to stitch it. Looks so fun! I'm sure you've seen them as it's been around a while: The Diva Bag. So inspiring! What is it about purse patterns? Oh well, they're fun, and that's all I care about, LOL!

Victoria, that's perfect. God bless our poor soldiers wounded on our behalf. Political disagreements or no, these men and women give their lives for our sakes and our children's, and I thank God for such dedicated people. There's a Scouter in my son's troop whose son was in my Den, who is a reservist. I truly hate to think of him being called up and anything happening to him. I would gladly do a quilt for his sake. My nephew-in-law was just discharged recently and is in the reserves..... ditto. My niece's new hubby stationed in Alaska now.... ditto. So many boys and girls who'd give their lives for mine and my kids at the drop of a hat - these protect our country and make it safe even in peace time. I laud them, and thank you, Victoria, for contributing to help them.

God bless the USA!

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Yeah, I know this is late. Didn't have time to get to the computer yesterday!

I completed a baby quilt on steroids for a baby shower coming up on Sunday! Well, it started as a baby quilt, but I didn't like the way it looked so added sashings, then didn't like the way that looked so added borders... I like the way it looks now, but oh my. Baby Levi will be able to use it until he starts school, and beyond!

Actually finished piecing and quilting it just before having to leave for church and the fantastic 4th of July party later complete with exciting fireworks!

By the way, this was my first quilt on my new machine, so it isn't exactly what I want to be known for, but I guess I have no where to go but up! Right?

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No quilting on July 4th - did traditional things with family; like watching our hometown parade; burgers on the grill; and watching our neighbors fireworks from our country front porch. Blessed to live in this nation, I always get teary when the parade starts and the veterans are leading it. You can see the wave of people standing as they approach and the applause. God Bless America.

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Oh how cool, Gail. You are so right, that IS cute! GREAT job on the quilted Celtic design, and boy do I love those little bows on the side! I'd buy that, sure! Except I sew myself so I never buy anything stitched except clothes, which are boring to sew. But that purse is quite tempting, it is.

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Sewing has ruined me for buying stuff. I look at the quality and then the price tag and think "You have got to be kidding me! I know I could make it for less and better!".

The celtic design is from www.fulllinestencils.com. I bought it for use on quilts but it sure came in handy for the pocket!

I bought some summer stuff when I was in Florida in May but it is all casual stuff. Since work when completely casual, I rarely venture into the malls anymore.

Now quilt stores are an entirely different matter!

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