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Anyone going to Sisters the 14th?

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:D You're right! It was just like an appetizer. Yummy too.

I was sort of thinking it was a petite size meal. The kind that would be just right for those people who would like to see the show but just can't do the WHOLE MEAL DEAL! :P

I'm taking my 80 year-old neighbor to the show tomorrow. And my little boy. I'll have my hands full. First thing on the list, a car load of ice and bottled water. Lounge chairs and sunscreen. *** Although, it's predicted to cool off slightly, which it already has today thanks to a nice rain last night.

By-the-way: I did have many more great photos and have just had a bear of a time posting them to Webshots. They turn out dark and I just have to delete them from my album. Any ideas about why this is happening?

I just gave up trying to post any of the photos from our quilts show a couple of weekends ago. It was so frustrating and wasted about two whole days for me. Any suggestions? Can anyone shed light on my "dark" photos problem???? Thanks, Eva

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Ok ya'll, I am going to be meeting my friend from Redmond at Cuke's pizza place at noon, so until then I'll be able to hang with you all. I'll see how it goes after lunch as to whether my friend and I join up with you all for the rest of the day, or if we just want to wander with us two. Haven't seen her for a while, so have some catching up to do! See you soon!

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Hi Patch! Nice to have met you, even if it was only briefly. Hope you had a great time in Sisters. Next year, lets plan ahead for a longer visit. Perhaps we should even consider a special exhibit of OR LA'ers. ???

Of course, you saw I had my hands full at the time, bringing my little guy and his Papa to the show. Both had their "special needs" and took a good bit of my attention during the day but it was well worth it for us to be there together.

The kids tent in the Town Square did the trick. When we went by there my little one elbowed his way in and the wonderful ladies there took over for me. He sat down to make a little block and learned how to buttonhole stitch. I had to drag him away from there before it was done! After that I was able to sit him down between a couple of quilting "grandmothers" at our own display and that's when I took off! A whole hour to myself to see more of the show.

Of course, wouldn't you know. Packing up to leave I left my basket of things, including my camera behind. I'm sure that one of our gals brought it home for me, but I can't post any pictures until I get it back... and then we are leaving to go on vacation next week! Today I'm finishing up a customer quilt that was supposed to be done last week and then a few finishes on a personal quilt that is going to the fair while we are gone. Whoosh, what a whirlwind of activities.

Well, all things considered, it was a great day and I'm already looking forward to the next one. ~~ Eva

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Eva, I loved meeting you too, and felt bad I didn't have more time to just chat and look at the quilts in your Home and Garden Tour in person. Yes, a drool bucket is a MUST in Sisters. My quilting friend and I were stunned when we walked into town, and we just kind of wandered around like zombies all day. My other friend, whom you met Eva, enjoyed the quilts far more with me than by herself because she's not a quilter, even though she loves old fashioned quilts. I was very lucky she works in town, as she let me into her office and I got to cool off there and use the restroom without a hord of other people. Yup.

I'm glad your little boy found something he liked. It was so... d@*&'d HOT, I felt really bad for the kids. But maybe it was worse on me, being my age, LOL!

It was soooooooooo neat meeting Linda and Sherry, too, at the APQS display. AND Mille!!! I'm afraid she's a bit much for me yet, and I was disappointed not to see Lenni, but I know he/she's still quite young and maybe not ready to mix with all the germs and dust that might affect a newborn badly. I will say Mille drives like a dream in a straight line, but I found it hard to follow the lines I already made when writing my name. Probably this is easily remedied with PPP. She seemed like a bit of a horse, though, LOL! I guess a thoroughbred, eh? Yes, Mille stitches like silk through down. I have no ideas what the batting was, but the muslin looked superb, not a low thread count which might have been easy to quilt. I thought it was very good grade muslin, and to me that meant the machine was superb because it was like it wasn't there, ya know. I guess I'm rambling.

Linda and Sherry, one day I'll be a customer, and you can fight over the credit. Naw! Lol, I know you won't fight. You're both such very nice gals, and so very helpful. I hope I didn't get in the way of any real sales yesterday. I had so wanted to have my friend try writing her name, but there were some other ladies in line to use the machine, and it was time to meet my bus. Better luck next year!

I'm going to plan on going down earlier in the week next year, because there is simply NO WAY I could view all the quilts in one day, especially driving so far the same day. What a fabulous experience! I kept thinking, Well, I can always come back next year to see the ones I missed. But then I realized they'll all be different!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! to all who made that show possible, and BETH especially for the excellent job you did running the tour bus from H2H!!! And thanks to Susan Scott's hubby for driving four ladies to H2H at 0-dark-hundred am and picking us up at 9:00 pm, an hour later than planned, so I didn't have to leave my car on a side street somewhere near the shop. I am very grateful to Susan for letting me grab her shirt tail and hang around half the day, and for her not minding my snoring on the way home, LOL!

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It was great to see all of you at the show, it was so fun to spend some time visiting with each one of you!

Sherry & I had a lovely time, it was very hot, but the country side in Sisters is so very beautiful. :)

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I sure wish I could have spent more time with Mille, but there were SOOOOOO many women lined up to get a chance at writing their names - only many of them were doing a whole lot more than that! I felt I ought to let them get a go at it, especially as they might actually buy one. Did anybody purchase a machine that day, Linda or Sherry?

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Linda, those are such cute pictures! I ran into Shireen at the kid's tent, she was doing such an awesome job. My little guy finished his block at guild this morning with the help of a few quilting "grandmothers."

Sorry I couldn't get up to the APQS booth. Hope you had a great day. Looks like you had some fun. See you Next Year! ~~ Eva :)

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Quilt block contest? How'd I miss that there? I'm a little curious about something... What will happen to that gorgeous block when it's sewn to something? There don't "seem" to be any "seam" allowances..... (where's the "huh?" smiley??)

Hey! those three gals certainly are beauties, Shana, because it shines from the inside out. :)

I would have stopped by the kids' tent, if I'd have known it was there. I was so bamboozled by soooooo many gorgeous pieces of artwork (quilts), I couldn't take it all in. I guess if my kids had been with me I'd have found that tent, LOL!

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