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Need an Ultimate II ruler foot! (looking for Sheri Butler)


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Hello, I need some help. I have the original scoop/spoon foot, but am trying to find a ruler foot for a Ultimate II. I understand Ms. Sheri Butler is the only person who designed and made these. I am having trouble getting in contact with her. I am not getting any response from the email I have for her (given to me by APQS customer service), so I am trying to reach out on the forum. Does anyone have a Ultimate II ruler foot for sale or does anyone know her or know how I can get in contact with Ms. Butler to see if she still has any left to sell? Thanks so much.

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There is a pretty active APQS Facebook page and Sheri may be a member.  I don't use Facebook so can't say for sure if she posts on there.  She used to be very active on this forum but it has been a while since she has posted.  Have you searched on here for her?

Good luck with your search.

I found this e-mail address for Sheri.  It may be the one that you already have!


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Hi, I saw that post, but I don't think he didn't actually says he wanted to swap feet. I will contact him to clarify, but I read the post as he was looking for/wanted the other type foot than what he had. Which is what I am trying to do too, but we are looking for the opposite foot. Ideally I want to have them both as they are the only two feet ever made for this machine. APQS only ever made the scoop/spoon foot and then Ms Butler personally had the ruler foot made. But she only had a limited supply made and I'm hoping to get one before they are all gone. But I'll write to the other poster and check. Thanks!

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