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Quilting on the Waterfront 2007

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Good afternoon, everyone!

I hope this note finds you enjoying a beautiful weekend...it's a gorgeous day in Duluth, MN.

As many of you know, I am an APQS Dealer/Rep and present a quilt show and conference every-other year called "Quilting on the Waterfront~Machines in Motion". My last show, August 2006, brought in over 6,500 people!...I hope *you* were one of them.

This year (my off year-2007), I am presenting an educational-only event (not a quilt "show") on August 17 & 18 starting with an "All Faculty Trunk Show" on Thursday evening, August 16, to kick-off the event. I've hired five *great* teachers and would love to see you there in their classrooms.

To learn more, please go to my Web site and check it out. While there, you may also subscribe to my new QTW E-mail Newsletter...to receive updated information about my quilting events and be regularly informed about QTW 2007.

Registration started on July 9 and is going strong!

Hope to see you in Duluth, MN, in August.


Gone quilting...



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I am looking forward to the( 2008 Quilting on the Water Front). I use to live about 10 miles from Duluth and have a couple of sisters that still live in MN. I didn't realize that they don't have one every year, and I missed going to the last one. I looking forward to seeing meeting you. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, quilting friends...

Sorry for my s-l-o-w response...it's been pretty busy around here! Lots of registrations coming in; so, if you haven't already checked out my web site, I hope you'll take a look: www.quiltingonthewaterfront.com. (Click on "Refresh" or "View - Refresh" to get the latest details I've uploaded.)

Remember...this is an educational event only - - not a "quilt show" like I usually present. This event is all about great classes - - taught by some Upper Midwest great teachers: Claudia Clark Myers, Jessica Schick, DeLoa Jones, Angela Haworth, and Dave Jones.

To answer your questions: I present my "show" every-other-year. So, this mini-QTW 2007 is during my "off year". My next scheduled "show" is August 2008...August 14-15-16, 2008. Plans are underway and I'll be talking more about it later. But, for now...

I hope to see you in Duluth in August 2007!

It's a gorgeous day in Duluth...

:-) Helen

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