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What's with the magazines??!!!????

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Why are the new issues of many of the magazines out at my local newstand and not in MY MAILBOX???????? We have to wait so long 'btween issues the least they can do is mail them to subscribers first!!! No problems with my Austrailian subscriptions tho!!



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I have the same problem...my JoAnn's ad has even come after the sale was over. In the small print it says if it is delivered late, you can bring it in for the sale price. Haven't done that. I'm always ticked that it's late. My magazines are always behind the newstands.

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I've been blaming it on our lettercarrier. It really ticks me off that the stores have them 10 days before I get mine. In fact I dropped a whole bunch of subscriptions for that reason. Now I just look thru the store rack and purchase only the ones that interest me. The companies don't make near as much off me now. I think I will take all that savings and purchase a subscription to the Aussie mag. I have never met an issue that I didn't like and I have to wait for the big quilt shows to find them.


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Sheryl you are too funny. Bet they hate it when the magazine comes enclosed in that plastic wrap. Our mailman just retired. What a jolt to our senses. If we had ordered anything that had to do with quilting, he made an early stop for us. Then came back at three in the afternoon with the regular junk like bills, etc. Boy do we miss Mark. He did it for all the customers on his route. Had dog and cat biscuits in his pocket too. What a guy.


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I tho't I was the only one gripe-ing about late "quilt-mail". I've even ordered from one of the magazines shortly after I received it and was

advised the item was "out of stock". Either they didn't have any to begin with, or others were getting the jump on me. I live clear out in the hills, but we do get mail service. Why can't the bills be as late? ML in Mo.

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