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New site from Sharon Schamber

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My name is Neil Atkin and I am Sharon's oldest son. Sharon and I are working on a new site. Please take a minute and look around.


Feel free to post any questions or comments about it. I will be here to answer any of them.


Thank you for allowing me to do this. We appreciate it very much.

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If I am correct the Feathers class you will be taking sharon is giving away DVD's of the class. If you looked at the video section there were two FAST promos for longarm classes thoes are them. In all there should be 6 dvd's. That is if we can get them all shot and edited by the time the class comes around.

Enjoy the class and the DVD's.


When you attempted to download the patterns what happend? I can email them to you if you need.

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As of right now we are focusing on the Statler. I will look into what it will take for us to program for all the other computer guided quilting systems as well. I would hate to exclude anyone from using Sharons quilt designs.

Thank you for the question,


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The free videos are hosted at Sharon Schamber Network if you click on this link it will take you directly to the videos. If you are having problems after that I really dont know how to help you.

As a note, Youtube.com is only temporary. After we launch all the videos will be local on the site.

I have added about 4 new videos today that aren't up on the website just yet. So just go to the youtube channel and watch them there for now.

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I just wanted to post and say thank you to all the members here that have visited the site and signed up for the news letter.

So far we have had over 40 quilters reference APQS as where they heard about us from.

Thank you so very much and I hope you are enjoying the videos and patterns.

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