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Best 1st Time Entry Pieced - Hoffman Challenge

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Best 1st Time Entry Pieced

Vicki Bohnhoff

QP 78

Anthem, AZ



This was the happy news today that I won a ribbon in the Hoffman Challenge. Took a pineapple class from Dee Lynn, a local teacher, and used the Hoffman fabric which grew into this quilt. The sunflowers are machine embroidered with a stock design that came with my Viking. There are four pastels in the light sections, four varigated fabrics from the same line in the pineapple blocks near the edges, used a blueberry fabric for the binding and another defining line around the blocks, fussy cut the motifs and featured them in the diamonds, then used my Millennium to stitch a custom design. With the same pastel pink from the front I made a back that would show the stitching design nicely.

Can't wait to see what other people did with the Hoffman fabric. Hope to see Vibrations in an exhibit so this will be a good excuse to go to Houston and Road to CA again. Yippee!



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Wow, Miss Vicki, your "Vibrations" really sparkles big time electric {{{{{V I B E S}}}}} when I look at it. It has wonderful movement and colors that just zzzzing! Wooohooo! I love it. You did a beautiful job with the colors, the quilting and the embroidery. I am more than extremely proud of you. :) :) :) :) :)

Yaaaay! :P

This little cutie deserves to be seen my many more admirers, so I am happy to learn you are submitting it to more shows.

Love ya, sweet heart!!! (((hugs))) :)


PS: Please fix your avatar photo so I can see your cute smile again...I'm missin' it!

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Congratulations Vickie!!! Wow, your quilt is beautiful! I really like the quilting you did on it and it really shows up and gives movement to the quilt.......I love it!!! Way to go girl, that quilt deserves a ribbon, now you can tell everyone you are a "winner" which we all know you are; and this is a new beginning for you and all it will bring. I am soooooooo happy for you

can't wait to see what else you can show us.......:)

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Thank you for your enthusiastic cheers and V I B E S. Yes, a whole year is a long time for it to be on tour. It was one of those quilts where the process was just so much fun and a little sad to get to the end. I do wonder what I will be doing a year from now.

Currently four of us are working on our Daisy Mountain Quilters' chapter banner to be exhibited October 13 at the fall meeting of Arizona Quilters Guild. It is our first venture into landscape quilting style and we're having a great time experimenting and chatting, of course. I can see why some quilters resort to hand dying their fabrics to get just the right color.

Enjoy the experimenting aspect of quilting! Thanks again.


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Good Heavens, was anybody else struck by the resemblence between Vickie and Cathey in AZ...I thought they were the same person and had to go back a couple of times to see!!! Thought I was having a senior moment with names. Maybe it's just the picture and in person they wouldn't look anything alike, but it sure had me confused. BTW Vickie your quilt is just great!!! I love pineapples and the workmanship in your construction looks wonderful, as does your quilting. I can see why you won!

Lynne in Ann Arbor

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Vicki that is a totally fabulous and gorgeous quilt. It certainly deserved to win. Congratulations, how exciting for you and for all of us who can say we know the lady that made that quilt. she is one of our friends. Can hardly wait to see your next project

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