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My first blue ribbon

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

I won a blue ribbon in the Professional Division at the Lane County Fair for my whole cloth quilt, For Clara: In Memory of My Mother. I am just thrilled, even though it's just a county fair. Also, remember that red and white Tennessee Waltz that I quilted with the Circle Lord Featherz template? My customer won a blue for her piecing in that quilt. It was nice to see another blue on a quilt I was associated with, even though it was for the piecing, and not my quilting.

Here's a pic of my whole cloth for those of you who haven't seen it (I know that's not many).


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Linda, I've seen this quilt before but I never grow tired of looking at it again and again. It really is a work of art; so lovely and classy! That you made this, and named this, in memory of your mother, is another classy tribute that only a loving, thoughtful daughter would do. I'll bet your mom is proudly smiling and watching you from heaven and she is holding a hundred blue ribbons for that quilt! :)

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LInda, I loved that quilt last year and it is even more wonderful now that I know it was in memory of your mom. Congratulations. It is only the first of many blue ribbons in your future. You are an awesome quilter and this is very much deserved.

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Guest Linda S

Thank you all for the nice comments. To answer a few questions - the quilt is actually all white - the green tinge in the photo is just a trick of the lighting. I don't know how many hours it took to do the whole thing, but it did take me 60 hours just to trim the trapunto. It was fun to do though. I designed this at MQX in 2006 in a class I took with Karen McTavish. She is one talented lady and can get you going on designing whole cloths in a flash. Plus, she has an amazing stencil collection to get you going! I have to admit that my stencil collection has grown by leaps and bounds since that class.


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Guest Linda S

Carol - all of the stencils were from Karen's collection so I don't know too much about them, except for one, which is my favorite. See the intricate scroll-work stencil surrounding the center motif and McTavishing? That is one called McScrollwork (Karen designed it) and you can get it from Golden Threads. If you Google quilt stencils, you'll find a couple of really good sites -- Golden Threads, the Stencil Company, Stensource, Quilting Creations International, JD Stencils, etc. There are so many and you can do just about anything you like by combining them. Also, if you get Karen's book, The Secrets of Elemental Quilting, she has a lot of copyright-free designs in there you can use. She also shows you how to use them in the book and on a DVD -- the only way you can beat that is to take a class from her. She's way too fun, and you'll have the time of your life.


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Thanks so much! I will buy the book for sure. I love Karen's work. Would love to take a class from her. Money does not permit right now, but some day! (Besides, I need lots more practice!) Keep on posting pictures of your work. I love it! Also, I'm glad to hear you are doing well after such trying times. Although we have never met, I feel like I know you (and others) via this site. Keep your chin up. Good times and good health are in your future!


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Great job Linda. I'm so glad that you won the blue ribbon. It should have won in the first show you entered it in - I think they were all blind. And I too think that your Mom is looking down saying "That's my girl". I see many more ribbons in your future.

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