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What type of music do you listen to when you quilt?

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Been busy working on this custom it's an Irish Chain with 2" squares and I have to quilt them with "Terry Twists" needless to say it's taking me a long time to do (will post the pics of it if I ever finish it, lol)

Any ways to keep myself from getting bored with the quilt I listen to my MP3 player turned up really loud so I can escape into the music and quilt and I was wondering what type of music do all of you like to listen to when you quilt...I like just about anything (except classical). I can get a lot of work done though when I listen to AC/DC, Motely Crue, Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, Guns & Roses, Van Halen (the early stuff) and Sammy Hagar (I don't like to mix my Hagar with my Van Halen, LOL), The Who, Meatloaf, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd., Poison. It must have something to do with when I was in high school 20 years ago and in Mrs. North's art classes (I took more art classes than actual subjects my junior and senior years :D) and she taught us to switch to our right brain (the creative side) by listening to music to help us tune out everything around us and we always use to listen to the above bands. After all these years my likes in music haven't changed much. My teenagers actually like some of the stuff that my DH and I like...they even ask if they can borrow our CD's and download our music files :cool:

So what about the rest of you, what kind of music and or bands get your creative juices flowing?

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Oh yeah, can't go wrong with the classic rock from the 70's. I didn't really appreciate how good that music really was (I was in high school then) until lately... some great music came from the 70's! Kinda funny but my DH likes Aerosmith's music before they got clean from drugs/alcohol. LOL!!:D Their newer stuff isn't as good... I like the older AC/DC when Bon Scott was the singer. The lyrics were so fun/clever...He was a riot!

I also like alternative rock. I usually have my computer streaming Launchast and most the time it's tuned to the Alternative rock station. Now that's got some really good music, too!!!

PS: I wanna see this Irish Chain quilt when you're done.

PS: What does your member name "mrsbishwit" stand for? I've always wondered...

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We just keep asking that infamous question..."what does "mrsbishwit" stand for?" and she keeps ignoring us :(

You girls are into the tough stuff (wait till Karen responds to THIS one). I listen to oldies '60's, 70's & 80's. But I have to be able to sing along...loud...and it helps if I know the words:cool:. So I listen to what my cousin calls bubble gum rock and roll :). Oh and disco - full blast. (Did I say, I miss my big hair?).

I love country music, but not most of the new stuff...here I go back to the 80's and some 90's.

Now, here is the no-no...don't ever, ever try to quilt to bluegrass...it just doesn't work!! Don't ask me how I know.

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I too have always wondered what "mrsbishwit" stands for. Joann - are you there? Are you going to finially put our inquiring minds to rest? ? ?

I'm more in MaryBeth's range, but I really love the "MoTown" songs cause I do know the words and sing along - I can't remember 3 things that I go to the grocery store to get, but I can remember the songs from the 60's. And I love the music from my parents youth, the Big Band Sounds. I guess growing up listening to it as a very young child has imprinted my brain permanetly.

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My son plays and sings all the great classic rock songs and he can do bluegrass also. The funniest part is when he is on his banjo and plays a rock classic. We were in the Memorial Day parade and he played his banjo. He played old bluegrass but then did Ozzy Crazy Train. So funny to see the elder folk stomping and clapping and the ones who knew the song laughing and cheering him on. He also has done a bluegrass style of AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long, I told him that just isn't right. I get all kinds of music around here to listen to while quilting and I love it.

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There's no mystery to my screen name, LOL actually it's pretty boring once you here the story...

When my DH was is in high school (Mount Carmel High School, an all boy catholic high school in Chicago) the kids all had nick names, my DH's older brother was named "Rabi" and my DH was named "Bishop" however my DH was also a very witty person so eventually they started calling him "Bishwit" and now his old friends just call him "Wit". So since I married him I became known as "Mrs. Bishwit" around his old friends so it is a good name for the forums and my licsene plates also say "MRSBISH".

See kind of boring :) Before I met my DH my nick name was "Jake" short for my maiden name "Jakelski" but mrsbishwit is less ordinary so I use that instead.

I will post some pics of the Irish chain when I finish it. I am doing the "Terry Twists" in the chains, the CL feathered wreath in the open spaces, small leaves in the inner border and the "CL feathered border template" in the outer border.

I wanted it done today but the terry twists are taking forever!! So maybe late tomorrow night or Friday it should be done.

When I was in my teens instead of taking Tynenol for a headache I would go to my room put Van Halen on my stereo and turn it up really loud lay down on my "water bed" (yes I had one of these, lol) and my headache would be gone in less than 10 minutes :cool:

I graduated from high school in 1985

Have you guys ever heard of that song "1985" by Bowling for Soup? Every time my kids play that song I crack up because it is so true, LOL! Which reminds me I also like the band "Whitesnake" and then there is "Molly Hatchet" which we always referred to as "Southern Fried Rock" and Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet

Speaking of the '80s, my mom and step dad use to leave us home alone when we were in high school and go away for the weekends well one Friday afternoon while we were at school my step brother and I decided that we wanted to have a party so he went to the school office and printed off a lot of flyers that said "PARTY" and our address and then when last bell rang we dropped the flyers from the second floor staircase of the school so every one would be able to grab one. It was so great, at the time we didn't know how big this was going to get but it ended up being one of the best parties ever in the history of our school, lol

The people that came to the party was no specific group, preppies, jocks, druggies, freaks or geeks they all showed up, we had someone from the football team gaurding the door & to collect money for the kegs, we had a game of "quarters" going on in the kitchen and the music was turned up LOUD!! anyways I was sitting on the stairs with my boyfriend, we had full view of the front door and the cops showed up! OOOPPPS!!!! They were pretty cool about everything, they told us that they did not see anything, and that they did hear anything but wanted to inform the person that took the neighbor's mail box to please put it back :o

We asked them if they wanted to stay for a beer but they said they couldn't because they were on duty.

On the way back home my mom and step dad ran into a kid from our school and offered to give him a ride home and just for kicks they asked him if he was at a party at our house that weekend well the kid didn't realize he was talking to our parents and said ya he was there and that the party rocked etc...well needless to say my parents were not happy. But we didn't get into too much trouble because before they left we did ask permission to have a "small" gathering at the house...my parents assumed that it was going to be only 2 friends each (there are 7 of us kids BTW I have 3 step brothers, a step sister and 2 brothers) so they agreed to that. So we got off do to a technicallity :P

But of course before they ever left us home alone again they covered all the bases and spelled out exactly what not to do. :(

Ok, just a little trip down memory lane...probably too much info but I tell my kids that they won't be able to get away with anything because between their dad and I we've done it all. ;)

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Joann, thanks for unveiling the story behind your mysterious member name.

The story about your infamous high school party is something just perfect for a Made for TV Movie!!! :P Reminds me of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" -- that movie reminds me of my highschool days. I knew a surfer dude guy just like Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) Wow, chickeeee! I think the cops back in the 70's and 80's were a little easier on the kids than they are nowadays. I don't think kids could get away with that stuff now.

PS: Patty Jo, Honey, I LOVE YOUR NAME!!!!! Not boring at all. It is so sweet (just like you are). :) Oh and I love big band music, too. I like any kind of music, really. I'm a button-pushin' channel-changin' girl on my car radio dial. I think I know all the songs on all my local radio stations.

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I agree with Shana. While reading your story I was thinking of all those high school movies back in the late 70's and 80's...you could have had a movie.

I had such a boring life. No wild parties...no tame parties.

I listened to the Carpenters, Tommy James and the Shondels, The Beeltes '64 - before drugs....oh you get it. I graduated from high school in '77, kids were born in '78 & '79, I don't remember the '80's :D Not for the same reason as some of my friends :) but because I was into diapers and bottles.

Thank you for explaining that name. Wowsa, I have wondered everytime I see a post from you what the heck that meant.

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Can't do the bubble gum, I have to change the stations. Not crazy about most C&W. Give me 60" & 70"s & 80's hard rock, heavy metal & alternative and I'm happy! I stopped trying to remember the names ofthe bands in the 80's. I think that's when CRS hit me! Don't know who plays it,or the name of the song, just know I like THAT one!:D

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I have a lot of stories from my high school years, and yes life back then was a lot like the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".... everyone worked at the local mall or were mall rats. I was considered a "good kid" for the most part I never did drugs, I didn't sleep around etc...heck I didn't even smoke. But I did drink and I did like to have fun, lol. Then I got married started having kids and well like Mary Beth and the '80's, I don't remember much of the '90's, didn't have time to listen to the radio, so the bands that came from that decade are non existent to me. And now my life is pretty boring compared to what my high school years were.

Also just about everyone from my graduating class has been divorced at least once, some 2-3 times already, except me I turned into the June Cleaver of the bunch, lol been married for 18 years, 5 kids, can cook, and now I quilt and I hate the malls, in fact I haven't been to one in over a year ...if someone would have told me back in high school that this was how my life would have turned out I would have laughed in their faces.

But I love my life now, my DH is a great fit for me (he also has some wild stories in his past, worst than mine :o) but

I wouldn't trade my life for anything, my kids are a lot of fun...they are straight "A" honor roll kids career focused not mixed up in drugs or alcohol not at all like their parents :D

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JoAnn, thanks for that explanation. I've always wondered about it too.

I listen to several different genres of music -- I suppose it depends on my mood but I haven't really related any music preference to a particular mood. My favorites are the really old country - Tammy Wynette, Hank Williams, Jim Reeves, etc., the really old country gospel, 70's, 60's and cajun music. My Ipod has such a variety of music on it and though I can let it shuffle, I usually listen to one type all day. I also love XM Radio because I can listen to whatever style I like on there and hear things I don't own on my Ipod.

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Jazzsmom, Harp music!, now that's something new, I would never have thaught about that to quilt to :)

When my nerves are shot, I need my classic rock music, the louder the better to drown out the kids fighting back & forth, LOL ;)

JudyL, haven't seen you much on the board, you must still be pretty busy. Hope everything is going good :)

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Judy....we would get along soooo good....only....I sing...loud...

Loretta Lynn!! We were at the lake and we listen to a station there that is all the old county...I was singing "Fist City" at the top of my lungs and Rod was crackin up.. After it was over he said, "You, KNOW that song!?"...Here's your sign! I sang the whole thing!!

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Guest Linda S

Classic rock or the BLUES! I like some of the newer music too. I'm a fan of KT Tunstall. I think we talked about this before. I have as sloped ceiling in my studio and have occasionally nearly knocked my self out during my drum solos. ;) I do get carried away sometimes -- especially when "Burning Down the House" comes on! :D


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