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Anchor stitching

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Linda, Clarify that. Is the bobbin itself spinning clockwise with the side of the bobbin facing you, and the bobbin case (with the little handle dealy) in your palm? Or is the thread coming off the upper right and the bobbin spinning counterclockwise.

I think I may be using mine backwards too.

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I'm a different Linda, Teresa, but....holding the case with the bobbin facing up, when you pull the thread the bobbin should spin clockwise. If you use the holey metal bobbins (holes on one side only) the solid side will be out.

Pat, if this is not your problem, there are several ways to anchor stitches at the start and finish.

For show quilts, usually the threads are knotted and buried in the batting--just like hand-quilting.

Some do three tiny stitches in one spot to secure the start and again at the end.

Some people do a tiny back-and-forth movement to secure at both ends.

I was taught in a newbie class that you can also pull up the two threads and secure to one side with a pin, stitch to the end and again pull up the ending threads. Before you advance, go back and closely snip the threads and, using a needle-nose applicator, apply a tiny drop of Fray Check on the thread ends. I don't care for this method but the quilter I learned it from wins ribbons!!

Hope some of this helps!

Linda Rech

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Check these past topics (they actually were just earlier this summer) "burying threads" and "more burying threads". Both talk about different methods for tying off and burying the ends. Lots of methods -- all seem great, you just need to find the one you're comfortable with. Good luck with that.

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