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NQR--Meet my granddaughter And her brother

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This is Keira Marie, my four month old granddaughter. She weighs about 12 pounds. She was premature and weighed a whopping 4 lb 1.5 oz at birth. She came home a week later weighing 3 lb 12 oz. She is doing very well and has begun to show her little personality. She prefers sleeping in someone's arms and really hates ( as in loud screams) to have a dirty diaper. She gives wide open-mouth toothless grins and has begun to make cooing sounds.

No, the white in her mouth is not a tooth. Its spit up and she anointed me with it right after the picture was taken.

Nanna and Keira at 4 months.bmp

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cute!!! I love babies and wish I had been able to have 5, but alas, two is the limit for this body. I saw a documentary last night on a family with a single toddler, quads, then a set of triplets! Eight kids under the age of 3. OMG. Congratulations on your little sweetie.

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Yes, I am a doting grandmother, or Nanna, as I am called. I dote on the three grandsons, too, but it is nice to have a little granddaughter to dress in frilly pink dresses. I just hope she loves dresses and babydolls. I made sure she had a babydoll when she came home from the hospital.

I have her and her two year old brother three to five days a week. Her big brother has been watching quilting and crafting shows with me since he was a week old. On weekends he watches car shows and Nascar with his Pappa. Between DH and me they should be well rounded. Oh, you should hear Joshua sing--at age two. He sings the tunes perfectly, but the words aren't so clear. I think I'll always think of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" as "Ginkle, Ginkle, idel ar"

He has curly hair, but his Dad just got him a "summer" haircut. It doesn't even look like him. We don't know what Keira's hair will be like since it still looks like peach fuzz.

Joshua--new haircut.bmp

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Oh Phyllis, how wonderful!! LOL! I know what you mean "anointed". I always said when mine were babies that the dried spit-up on my shoulders was my Badge of Motherhood, which is those days was more precious to me than any other award (well, I guess it still is, LOL!). What a precious gift, and what a gift of a Grandma you are! My mom never lived nearby, though visited once or twice a year, and MIL never liked holding babies as they made her nervous. Sometimes I can't wait to be a grandma now, then I realize it's really not time yet. :D But how fun for you!!

And oh! what an adorable "little man", as Shana says! Can I borrow him? Mind is 13 now and incorrigible.

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Thanks everyone. I think they are both adorable and spoil them rotten when they are here. I do make Joshua mind, but I find that I am much more lenient with him than I ever was with my own children.

I have them three to five days a week. When they are here I get very little done. Definitely no quilting. When I don't have them for several days I get lots of quilting done, but I really miss them.

I also have two older grandsons, Blake, age 5 1/2 and A.J. who is four months older than Joshua. They live about a hundred miles away so I don't get to see them as often as I would like. Believe me, I spoil them just as much as the younger two.

Oh, yes being a grandmother is super duper fantastic!

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