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nqr but prayer request

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Hi my prayer warrior friends. My daughter who lives in Oklahoma called me today with an urgent prayer request. She said that I know the most awesome prayer warriors. her very best friend's husband has been out of work for most of the summer and then this morning they woke up to find their entire home flooded and everything ruined. when they called teh insurance company they were not covered because it was a natural disaster. they are very sweet people and say they will just begin again somehow, but Tawni requested some prayers be sent their way. so that is my request and thank you all in advance. I am pretty sure that God has a special place for quilters' prayers. It appears many of them we post get answered.

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Bekah- We will add them to our list to pray for.

As far as insurance companies go, I had better not get started or I'll be writing a novel on what we have learned going thru Bill's cancer costs..:(:( And then my humaness would be showing a bit too much.

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We pay so much for insurance in Oklahoma and it seems the insurance companies always try to find a way to wiggle out of paying. After the May 3rd tornado one of the big companys wouldn't write new policies for a year, even for those who had insurance with them before and never filed any claims. Of course, everyone's insurance went up a lot the next year.

Of course, for flood damage you have to have flood insurance and no one wants it because it is so expensive and they don't really believe their home will flood. They just don't realize that small creeks can become huge flooded areas when we get rain like we did last Saturday. Sometimes developers don't do a good job of planning for water run off either. There is only one drain in our neighborhood and the water was up to the top of the curb Saturday.

Sending hugs and prayers to your daughter's friends. I'm so sorry that they are going through this.

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Praying for Tawni's friends, remembering others effected, also. We really dodged a bullet here by Dean heading west. That could have been a Cat 5 storm coming straight in my backyard, soooo grateful it wasn't. I'm only about 15 miles from the coast which is not good. So happy our Father knows what we need, even before we ask for it! Even before we realize we are even going to need it! I'm positive He has doors ready to open for them, even as others are closing. Ain't God Great?!

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