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Fruitful Days (pics)

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This is a quickie done for my youngest girl. Ha she's (24 now!) not so young anymore.... Would love some suggestions for the other blocks. I have apples in the black squares and thought perhaps baptist fans in the circle fabric but then I'm stumped, would I be able to incorporate more than one fabric chain into a quilt pattern and still have it flow well? Design is not my strongest virtue. I do think it needs more than just the apples. Golly gals


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It needed a bold border. I'm thinking I can practice feathers here but the blocks are still a puzzle for me. I try to visualize an all over 3/4" meander. Not in the apple blocks though. But that doesn't hit me right so another option would be wonderful and you ladies are full of excellent design suggestions.

Take your time I'll be back when the grandbaby's born!

This quilt helped keep me sane while we wait for the baby and finish our exterior home upgrades. What a summer it has been. Both almost here!


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I don't like to roll and unroll my quilts because I'm not good at it. I have had a couple of them end up with puckers so I think that I would finish all the blocks I could reach and then roll. I see that you have it basted so you probably won't have any difficulty with puckers. Maybe I should think about basting down the middle...

Anyway, since the apples are already done int the black blocks and you won't see much of anything except texture in the print blocks, I think I would just go for big spirals like 2 or 3 spins in the print block and back out to the green blocks where I would put in Terry twists. I would definitely try to do it continuous to minimize the stop/starts and thread buries.

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I would like something that goes from block to block so there is less stopping and starting. Thats a great idea. I could start a spiral in one corner and stop it in the next starting block. I also thought of a back and forth sway from one block to the next.

I did baste the whole thing every 4 inches because I'm using my domestic machine that has a short neck of 6"! Boy do I wish I had a long arm! Someday, for sure it will happen.

Thanks for the suggestions, they will work great and it will get finished soon enough.

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