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SOS.........question re loading

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I was sitting worrying that I wouldn't be able to call APQS until Tuesday with my question and then a light bulb came on: I can ask my question here and since everyone is always so helpful, I'll likely have an answer long before Tuesday. I've had my machine for a while now (Millenium), but have just recently had the time to actually watch the video.

I think this is one of those 'newbie' questions, but I'm puzzled! When you go to load the backing, you're supposed to pull the leader down a few inches. My question, though, is that when the leader is nice and flat and the edge is sitting right in the middle of the roller, when I pull the leader down, the fabric goes towards the quilt top roller, instead of towards me. Is this right? It seems on the video that the leader is rolled the opposite way to mine. There's not a clear shot on the video of which way the leader is 'unrolling'.

I have loaded some practice muslin on and have actually done some stitching, but for some reason I have this nagging idea that it's (the backing roller) backwards, if that's possible.

Would someone be so kind as to walk me through this? TIA


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Well, I am still a newbie, too, but here is how I do it:

The backer roller bar should be the bar that you bump into with your belly. All of the labels for the leaders should be to the right (standing at the front of the machine).

Standing at the front of the machine, pull the back leader down and up over and across the top roller bar and lay it on top and then pin the backer fabric on (right side facing down). After you get the backer pinned onto the leader (at the front of the machine), let it fall back down and you should see the empty top roller there. Then at the back of the machine, let out enough of the leader canvas from the take up roller so it goes underneath the black leveler bar and so you can lay the canvas edge on the take up roller so you can easily pin the other side of the backer from the back of the machine. Before pinning these to any of the leaders, measure and mark the centers of the backer fabric so you know where to start pinning in the center. I don't know what you do, but I like to rip my backer fabric on all sides so I know it's on the straight of grain. That way when I pin the backer fabric to the leader, I don't have any sags. So far this method has been successful for me.

Does that answer your question?

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Thanks, Shana. I can understand your explanation with no problem insofar as loading the backing fabric, and the labelling on the leaders is right where it's supposed to be.

The question I have, though, is this: if you're standing at the front of the machine, right smack in the middle, let's say. The leader on the quilt back roller (backing) is rolled up tightly, the edge of the canvas is fairly straight across the width of the roller.

Now, when I unroll the leader (before I pin anything on it), the direction the canvas goes is towards the quilt top roller and not towards me, i.e. the canvas, when it's unrolling, is not between me (my 'belly') and the backing roller. The instruction video (Quilting Machine Maintenance Guide demonstrated by Dawn C) is really helpful, but I can't see which way the canvas unrolls (towards me as I stand in front of the machine or away from me).

This is what I'm puzzled about. Maybe there is only one way it 'can' go, but from what I'm seeing on the video, it makes me think something's backwards.

TIA for your help!


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Try unrolling it and rerolling the leader other direction. (I'm not near my machine right now so I hope I am correct!) LOL! :P

Is the writing/label for the backer leader facing up so you can read it? If so, then it's in the right direction. If the label for the leader is facing down when it's rolled up then it is backwards.

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That's my question, Shana! But, when the edge of the leader is perfectly flat and centred along the length of the roller, at the far right side, 'Quilt Back' is printed. So, this is what has me stumped. If I did re-roll the leader, then the printing wouldn't be facing me.

Thanks for your help. Has anyone else had this 'newbie' trouble?


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LOL! Carolyn, I just checked my machine and your rollers are on correctly. The topper canvas edge should be facing toward you. The backer canvas edge should be facing away from you (in other words both edges roll toward eachother in the middle.)

Like I said before, take your backer canvas and roll it down and then up inside the quilting area and back toward you so the edge of the backer leader is now facing you. Lay the edge so it's over the top roller so you can easily pin your backing fabric on. When you are done pinning, your backer should fall freely and then you are ready to pin the topper.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

LOL! Carolyn, I just checked my machine and your rollers are on correctly. The topper canvas edge should be facing toward you. The backer canvas edge should be facing away from you (in other words both edges roll toward each other in the middle.)

Like I said before, take your backer canvas and roll it down and then up inside the quilting area and lay the edge so it's over the top roller so you can pin your backing fabric on. When you are done pinning, your backer should fall freely and then you are ready to pin the topper.

Thanks again, Shana. What had me somewhat confused is that watching the video, the canvas on the backing roller appeared to be rolling in the other direction. It says you're supposed to unroll the backing roller about 6" and then bring it back up over itself and pin the backing fabric on....etc.

Gee, if I get all my confusion over with right off the bat, maybe the rest will go smoothly? ;)


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Yuppers! You are smooth sailing from now on! :P

And, there are no dumb questions...ask away without fear of looking like dork. LOL! ;)

Ask questions any time here on this chat. I have been reading the posts on this chat board for a year now and I have gained a wealth of information by reading the messages from the professional/seasoned quilters who frequent here. This chat board is a treasure trove of information!

Have fun quilting.

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Shana, I'm embarrassed to admit that I've been on this site for at least three years, have had my machine for well over a year (set-up for over 10 months), but have just recently been able to look at the video and start - tentatively.

I've read a lot of the questions, the frustrations and the triumphs, but they're not really 'real' until you've actually experienced them for yourself. It's great to know, though, that whatever problem(s) I experience, as a beginner, someone else has gone before me, so to speak, and is graciously willing to help. Just as you have - thanks!


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Here is "my way" to load a backer (it is so great that we can find many ways to accomplish the same task.)

Reach between the two front rollers and pull up a length of the front leader and lay across the front roller, as usual.

Lay the backer, wrong side up across the top of the back and front rollers, straighten and pin to the front leader, as usual.

Take the whole backer on your arm and lift towards you and down around the front roller (instead of stuffing down between the rollers towards the back roller.) Put the backer under the leveler roller and over the take-up roller, as usual.

Go to the back side and pull the backer straight to the sides and tug it until the front canvas AND the backer fabric are horizontal, as it would be if it back edge was pinned on. Only have about 6 inches of canvas and the rest will be backer. Still with me?

Now you have the front pinned and the rest of the backer smooth and straight and hanging off the back roller and maybe hanging off the table onto the floor--completely loose.

Go to the front and using the power advance, press the right side of the pedal and the backer will advance towards you merely laying on top of the back leader--there will be enough friction between the backer and canvas to keep the backer from slipping. The front roller is rolled by hand with the brake off and some tension on the backer as it comes towards you. Do this slowly and watch the top roller to adjust the fabric as it comes to the front. I reach across and pull each side if a ripple or crease builds up on the top back roller.

Continue until the fabric of the backer is just above the level of the table. Set the brake and go to the back to pin to the leader. If the backer is square, you won't need to mark the center to pin--the center will be where it should be for pinning. If you have a wonky or "corkscrew" backer, loading this way will show you how much "good" fabric is usable--merely measure between the narrowest edge on each side as the backer "scrolls" onto the leader.

Did I lose you? I find if I load this way I don't need to roll the backer back and forth a couple of times because there is tension on the back all the way to the last foot or so. It loads straight and tensioned and pretty much ready to go.

Hope this helps somebody--any quicker way to do something is worth a lot!!

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Sorry about the confusion on loading the quilt! Shana did a good job explaining the process to you.

Your roller canvases should unroll "in between" the two rollers. The reason the video picture makes it unclear is due to the way I load the backing, as described below.

I like to reach down between the rollers and grab the backing fabric canvas. Then I flip it up on to the roller, so that the roller is holding the edge for me, keeping it from flopping around as I load. After doing that "flip" it will appear as if the edge of the leader is headed in the wrong direction, toward where you are standing.

I toss the backing fabric excess across the machine (wrong side up) so that the take up roller helps smooth it out as I wind it on to the backing roller. I spread the backing out nice and neat, and then pin it to the backing roller. (It will also be resting over the top of the quilt top roller at this point.)

After I have finished pinning the backing to the roller and begin tightening the fabric up, both the take up roller and the quilt top roller act as extra "sets of hands" and help smooth the fabric out as it feeds onto the roller. The fabric will be wrapping the correct way, don't worry!

Linda's approach will work great, too. She's right--you'll discover the "right way" for you! You've probably heard me say on this chat more than once: "If you're happy with the result, it doesn't matter how you got there!" Don't worry about a "right way" but instead discover a "Carolyn way!"


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Dawn, thanks so much for confirming "I did it right"! Like many, I'm more 'visual' and now I can read Shana and Linda's instructions correctly knowing I'm going in the 'right' direction (literally and figuratively speaking, I hope!)

Other than not being able to see which way the backing roller 'rolled', the video is wonderful. I've watched it enough that it seems as though you're my new best friend!;)

Now, I just have to tell myself "I" control the machine, not the other way around! I'm rarely intimidated, but this wonderful hunk of metal is succeeding - newbie jitters, I guess.


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Carolyn, hang in there. my beasty is still in control but I am gaining ground. I feel lately like I just unpacked her and almost put her up for sale this morning. then I read one of Mary Beth's posts from when she was a newbie, and it so encouraged me. I just have to get my miner's hat on so I don't crawl around so much on my hands and knees with my flashlight in my mouth and I am getting my stomping boots on so I can just stomp those fears and insecurities out the door. I think we all have those days when all we can do is keep on keeping on.

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