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how to quilt a feather pattern

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Since everyone has looked at this, but no resposnes, here goes. I love the Darlene Epp books on guides to freehanding and background fillers. They've got some lovely feather ideas in there. There's also Formal Feathers 101, and probably a million other books and resources out there. My best suggestion would be to start by drawing on paper or a white board, and get some muscle memory going in your hands, then start on a quilt and PPP.

Good luck,


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Sharon Schamber has some short videos on her web site that show you how to make feathers. The little vids are basically a "promo" for the DVDs that she sells. I have watched the little vids and I am going to buy a couple of her DVDs. Karen McTavish, Linda Taylor, Jamie Wallen and many other professionals have put out instructional DVDs, too, on how to quilt feathers, among other things. ;) I am a visual person and enjoy and learn from these DVDs. If you googled these names you will find their web sites and more information.

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Are you doing these on your domestic machine or your Long Arm? DOes it make a difference? A little. When I quilted on my DM, I marked my feathers (Oh so much time to do, but well worth it). As Shana has stated, there are so many great videos out and there are a lot of books too. SO look through the different web sites and pick one to start with. Its so much fun learning different ways to do them. And Practice !!! Alot. and remember everyones feathers are different, that's what makes our quilting so unique!;)

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While I patiently wait for my Classes with Darlene later this month, where she will teach me her Heirloom Feathers, I bought a Pantograph called "Rita's Feathers", wow...it is a gorgeous pattern and the benefit to me is curves, I am getting so good at quilting curves, big ones small ones medium ones and its fun. Until I dare try the freehand feathers, these will do fine to get me thinking in the right direction. I guess you can teach and olde gal new tricks after all.

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