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how do you quilt mariner's compass spikes?

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I'm quilting a spiral lone star and looking for ideas on quilting the spikes in the corner half mariner's compass blocks. I meandered in the dark background, which looks pretty good (from a galloping horse) in Rainbow thread. I tried to stitch in the ditch around the spikes but that was a disaster and I had to rip. Other than SID, what have you done or seen in this block?


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I agree with Patty, the squiggle in all different colors of Rainbows thread would look breathtaking. Don't know if you are familiar with the quilt by Jenny Beyers called Moon Glow and has lots of different star blocks. I have seen that done in different squiggles and loops in the star points and it was breathtaking.

By the way, that is a beautiful quilt and the colors are breathtaking! Is it one of yours, sure would love to see the whole thing and I think I need the pattern too!!!!

Patty, the rope braid in the quilt, is it the rope braid by Jodi Beamish. I have those rulers, just haven't gotten up the nerve to try them because I am so scared I won't get the corners to match up but I guess I will just have to bite the bullet because I got them long before I even got my longarm and I havn't used them yet!!!!

Remember to post the finished quilt!


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hahahaha! I MADE Moonglow! But someone else quilted it, and I don't even know how the spikes were quilted (gave it to my kids). I wasn't very observant in those days.

These are all great suggestions and I thank every one of you for your comments. I'd love to try squiggles in metallic or rainbow thread. I'm scared of metallics and running out of time so will probably do rainbows.

The quilt is Spiral Lone Star from Jan Krentz's Lone Star Quilts and beyond. The quilts in her book are all breathtaking. Jan quilted a peacock on hers!!!!! I'm not that brave. Here's a small photo of the whole quilt top. I'm not proud enough to post a detailed shot. ;)


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Oh, Cathey......

My jaw just hit the floor..............I can not tell you how much I love your quilt.

I saw it in person and had to buy her book. I've got this book out right now beside me.......I sure hope I live long enough to make & quilt all the paper pieced quilts I've got lined up to do....anyway....

Your quilt is absolutely stunning, like Shana said, MAJOR MAJOR EYE CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your beauty with us all.....:D:D:D

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Cathey, would you believe I have this book for a few months or so... I have been drooling over all of the photos in the book; just gorgeous stuff. Now you've inspired me to maybe try making one of these...

Oh, and I gotta also say that IT IS A GOOD THING EYE CANDY IS NOT FATTENING or I would have gained 10 pounds just looking at that quilt of yours. LOL! ;)

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All I can say it a big DITTO on evrything everyone has said about your gorgeous quilt!

Please don't put yourself down by saying you're not good enough to show us the close up. That's stinkin thinkin! Drop that negative stuff now or you'll always believe it. Really.

Your work is your own and we thank you for sharing it. You asked for help with quilting and that's a good thing. It's how we learn from others who have had more experience than we and who can tell us what didn't work in that situation.

Hey, we're cheerleaders and teachers. How can you beat that?

Now can we see a close up when your finished so we can really enjoy the beauty and talent you've already shown in the little pic?

Thanks for telling us the book you're using. Have you seen any of Judy Niemeyer's patterns? They're all paper pieced and beautiful. Some are vaiations of traditional patterns, like the one I'm doing now. It's a Wedding Ring Star. I'm doing it batiks with bright cobalt blue and emerald green stars. The 8 pointed stars are at the "corners" where the rings intersect.

I'll post a photo when I have it finished and before I quilt it. I'll be asking for help I know! I'm renting time on a long arm at a quilt shop. King size is too hard to do on my standard machine.


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Wow that's a gorgeous quilt, Cathey!!! I second what Kathy said!

Oh dahROOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!! I can't stand it.... somebody get me that book !!! NOW!! (and NOBODY yell "intervention" like those sharks in "Finding Nemo"!!) Not that it will help me quilt the thing like you did, of course, LOL!! But your quilting has MOVED me, Cathey!


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