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DH"s (Rick) Update

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Just thought I would let everyone know what has been happening around here. DH got his pacemaker in exactly one month ago yesterday.........and yesterday he had to go back into the hospital for a Heart Cath and they found blockage. They tried to put in a stint for an hour and couldn't get it in so just left it alone. They figured that blockage is what made him pass out the very first time and we didn't know it because the Dr. we had at the time didn't do any testing at all......just poo-pooed it as him passing out. That Dr. is in for some trouble now!!! Because now Rick has an artery that has blood flow going left to right instead of right to left in the lower left quadrent part of the artery in the heart. The Cardiologist said they will have to watch him very very closely because if something goes wrong with the artery on the left side of the heart by-pass surgery is immenent (sp). And he also said Rick is one of those people that will get NO warning if he has a heart attach or stroke.....it will just happen........BOOM!! I really didn't need to hear that!!! He is feeling fine......he has his pacemaker checked in 10 days and he goes back to see the Cardiologist in 6 weeks and he has to have Cardiovascular Therapy for a while also starting next week. So between his low blood pressure and the heart disease they are trying to control both with medication........and say he can live a full life. We have to change our diet ......no fats...no sodium.....so I guess it won't only be good for him....I may actually lose some weight too. Thank goodness!!! LOL:D

Mary Beth ........how is Jennifer doing???

Take care everyone........and I will keep you in my prayers as always.......you are like family.


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OMG! So scary! Does this mean he will most likely have bypass surgery? Sounds very real. But good news is they do this surgery all the time and great results from it. Maybe talk with the cardiologist about all the risks and benefits from getting this surgery and weigh the options. Yikes...sorry to hear the news but pray the best outcome for you.

(((sending you big hugs and prayers)))


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Hello Renae - As Shana said, so very scary for you, my DH and I will keep you both in our prayers.

Are they going to schedule the bypass surgery, or just treat with medication?

Just remember that you don't know what today will hold, but you do know WHO holds today. That is a little saying that both my DH and I quote back and forth to each other depending on who is up and who is down at the moment while we are going thru this cancer situation at our home. Hope that it is something that you can relate to.

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Thanks Shana and Patty Jo........it is scary but they are going to treat it with just the medication right now. And I will remember the saying Patty Jo......sounds like a good thing to me and you and your DH are in my prayers and thoughts also. You two have been going through some tough times as well. Glad to hear things are going sooooooo much better....God is listening;)


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