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I thought he looked like a Dennis the Menace....bet he's going to be a curtain climber...but so cute!!!!!!!!!

We had a little guy like this one (he grew up to be 30 pounds), but when he was tiny like this he thought his best trick was to lay on his back and pull himself along the underside of the couch front....I was working out of the home then and didn't notice it for a few weeks...by then the material was strands of thread. Got his wheels clipped fast...all four sets, and he lost his dignity as well.:D

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He's is definitely Dennis the Menace.

It's hard to get mad at him with that cute little angelic face.

He is very, very smart and talks a lot.

I can't imagine leaving the two of them alone in the house when I do the Chicago show in November. I have a girlfriend that will come over once a day to feed and check on them. I am going to have to baby proof the house and nail everything down.

I thought about a high end cat hotel but I feel bad because Willa was locked in a small kennel for over 6 weeks in the pound when I got her.

I don't want to set her back emotionally by locking her up again, even though they have wonderful large cat condo cages.

What a scary thought leaving those two alone together for 5 days.

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I total understand and agree....the kitty "Sweet Kitty" we have now was a hurricane refugee of North Carolina 2005. She was so beat up...shattered shoulder blade and ribs, AND more worst yet, she lost her tail...she has places in her fur that are bare where the wood shrapnel tore her skin. I have no idea how she made it, but after she was put back together and past to a kennel for adoption she stayed there for almost a year before I came along and found her.

The people at the kennel told me that she was a manx, and that she was over 5 years old (not, only about 3)....not one word about her injuries, not even sure that they knew she had them.

I knew she wasn't a manx when I looked at her...she is a tiger tabby, but I didn't correct them. But I didn't realize how bad she was until we got her home and because she had been in her kennel for so long she couldn't really walk acorss the floor without obvious pain. When, you would try to pet her she would take a chunk out of your hand...finally I got her to trust me and I started to do a message therapy on her shoulder, and found all the injuries. Now she comes and lays in my lap and pushes my hand until I work on her shoulder at least twice a day.

But more so, I've had to put her back into the kennel (they do take good care of her) for a week, and each time its like she was rescued all over again...I can't put her down for at least a day...she just clings to me. So I totally understand how you would feel about putting Willa, and Junior Ram-Jett inside again.


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Your poor kitty. I can't imagine somebody locking a cat in a cage for a year! How awful for her. I'm surprised you can even get her in the cage without her taking your hand off. I have a kitty too or I would offer to keep her for you...not too far away. My kitty though doesn't play well with others. She is ok if everything on her terms. My family can't stand her. She usually hisses at most of them. There are a few that don't bother her. When we leave her we have somebody come in but she won't eat well while we're gone and she doesn't leave us alone when we get home. I'm attempting to attach a picture...she is beautiful though. Her name is Sugar but my son's friends used to tell me her name should be Crack since she often acts like she is on Crack.



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