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Guide me - pictures

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I don't know if you remember my wholecloth with a mariners compass on it, but I promised to try and get a good picture of it. Well I finally managed it, it's large but you can see the quilting now. Boy was it tricky to do.

If you are interested it is on my blog, click on the image to see it full size (it really is big so be patient).


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I meander the feathers. I work a spine then start putting the feathery bit on, when I need a branch I add it then come back to where I was. I love doing it now, I can't belive how hard I found them.

I had stoped trying to do them and just did peacock feathers, then on a whim I tried again and it just worked. I guess something about the peacock feathers had got me comfortable enough with the process to be able to do these more traditional ones.


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