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Wedding Quilt is done...bring on the baby!!

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Finally! Jen and Charles wedding quilt is quilted. Although the threads are not clipped yet, I wanted to post it for you all to see....

One other thing...it was suppose to be an Irish Chain...Something went haywire...It must have been me, since I'm the only one working on this quilt ;) I have no excuses, except that I got in a hurry and pieced it wrong.


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Did a freehand Terry Twist in the checker board part. Then used my Circle Lord for the Feathered Wreath in the floral; CL Featherz in the floral border - I know you can't see it, but it needed to be quilted and that was easy. And last, but not least, the thing I said I would never do as long as I live....cross hatching in the two inner borders. I used the CL 18" Cross Hatch Template - I'm sold - Never will I do cross hatching without it.


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Since the wedding was 13 months ago...it is about time this is finished.

Baby will be her around November 5th - all is well, by the way.

Jen goes every week for a sonogram because she cannot feel movement - that makes me sad - it was fun watching your belly move like it was possessed, she is missing that. And they monitor the heartbeat to make sure it is strong - and it is.

Now it's on to the nursery stuff!!

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If you go to www.sallyterry.com you will find a Terry Twist instruction sheet to use with the templates and stencils. I just printed that off and used the sequence given. Sometimes my mind would go in a different direction, then so would my quilting :D If you pay attention you will get in the groove and it goes pretty fast.

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Hi Mary Beth,

So glad to hear from you, and pictures to boot! Love the quilting, and thanks for the inspiration and information. In my head I knew that I wanted to do a TT in my Irish chain, but couldn't think what they were called. Now I'm all inspired to start it, but it's so far down the list.


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Remembering the applique quilt....

"The crosshatching was enough to drive a Southern Baptist girl to drink!! Many times I wished I could slug something down and just foget about it!! But I new when the I came down from the chandelier this quilt would still be here I have taken an oath to give the Circle Lord Crosshatch template a try...and if it doesn't work I promise to never touch another quilt that needs crosshatching!!"

Woohoo! Just love this, red's are my favorites, that and blacks. This is such a beautiful quilt, what a beautifulwedding present!

So, did you use the CL on the crosshatching or did you do it the same way you did the applique quilt? It looks great!

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Originally posted by Mary Beth

I think I will do the next Irish Chain the correct way...we will call this one an Ozark Chain :)

;)I got to thinking (I know it hurts sometimes to think) but all ya need to do is take a red sharpie pen and color in the goofed squares and "TA-DUH" there ya are.... with a bit of Ozark twist and a bit 'a Montana savvy we just might get it right. :P:P:P

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Hi Mary Beth! :) Ohhh I love-love-love the fabrics in the red/white Ozarkian Chain! Beautiful quilting, too! Obviously made with lots of love. I am sure Jen & Charles are enjoying it very much. What a nice thing to cuddle under while they wait for baby to get here. So many exciting things in store for you.

Missing you here on the chat...I know you are busy with work and other stuff (like finishing those UFOs...LOL!!) Glad all is well with baby. Before you know it, she will be here.

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I am finally on my 60 days off work!! Everyday I look at my schedule to see how many days I have left. I need to get as many of my customer quilts done as possible before I go back. Then there are all of the personal projects to try to get done. Whew!! I'm trying to read the forum everyday, cause when my 25 days of work start....I work, sleep and drink coffee :) I check in on the forum too, there are so, so many new names and faces, I can hardly keep up...But I love to see what everyone is doing. I miss ya all!!


What a great idea!! A Montana twist on an Ozark Chain...would that be a Mozark Chain...hey, that sounds almost "classical"! :D

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Hey, you hillbilly. This quilt looks great.

I thought that I detected some Circle Lord magic in that first photo. And don't you just love that crosshatch? CL template is the easiest way to get that classic look.

Love your TTs, too. I didn't know that she made a ruler....I think I'll check on that, I get tangled up sometimes, too. I love the texture you get from the twists, though. You certainly got lots of practice with this Ozark chain.

And what color/kind of thread did you use? It looks good.

I just know that Jen will love this quilt. Congrats on finishing it.

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Mary Beth the quilt is beautiful and I love the TT and the CL crosshatching is just perfect. I think I will have to invest in that template next....

Sure glad to hear things are going well for Jen and can't wait to see that baby........it won't be long now. I will be talking to you soon.......Renae

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Oh April, every time I post here telling you all that Jen and baby are well...they are not! We spent the day - until 1:30 in the hosptial today. Jen woke up at 3 am with contractions, vomiting, and other things... She called me at about 6:15 to tell me I would be on call if she need to go to the hospital, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I jumped in the car and went over there...timed her pains...made her call the doctor - again, and away we went. They gave her an IV to rehydrate her. Meds for her tummy - thought she had a bug or food poisoning. Did a sonogram - she had beautiful big feet like me :) Meds to stop the contractions. And now we are home....5 weeks to go - Yippee.. Oh, and by the way, Jen spent some time around and only child over the weekend and declared that they will have another one :o:mad: I kenw it :cool:

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There's nothing like spending time with a brat to make you wonder why we reproduce...and that goes double for teenagers....especially teenage boys. Avout 10 years ago a dear friend gave me a little plaque for my wall. It said "Teenagers are why animals eat their young". Ick.

I didn't have my first until I was 32 so we figured he would be the "only". But I had an ah-hah moment, probably like Jen's, and thought that all my eggs in one basket was not good for me or his majesty (Jacob). So Benjamin arrived a few months past my 35th birthday. Kids are so much work but such a joy.

I was watching a PBS program about a family in Arkansas who had 17 kids, yes 17. And yes, the mother bore them herself, no fosters or adopted kids. She looked like she was 22. I guess kids do keep you young.....and tired. ;)

Let's hope that Jen's second will be less stressful than the numero uno. :cool:

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First, I forgot to answer your question before....So Fine was the thread.

Yes, I have seen that show, when they had 16 kids and she was giving birth to #17. I thought them to be crazy. However, they seem like pretty intelligent people. And they are doing a great job raising those kids, although they home school, home church, home everything...what will happen when they go to the real world??

Oh, and last, I'll let Jen know you brought this up...but I'll bet if she goes for 2, she will stop there...17 :P:D:D

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