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Question on Motorized Feed

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I don't know about moving the motor to the other end, but it won't matter about forward/reverse because there are just the two ways to go. Eventually your foot will know which side of the pedal to step on to do what you want it to do!!!! Let us know if there is a trick to switching the motor to the other end. Good luck!

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Hi Caroline,

Where the motor hooks up to the take up roller...that is on one side of the motor. If you switch that to the other side, the hook up is now in the outside and won't match up with the roller on the inside to hook up. You would need to get a different motor where the hook up is on the other side of the motor.

Hope that all makes sense. :)

Take care,

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Yes, Mark, that does (unfortunately) make sense. When I examined the motor housing, I wondered if reversing the orientation of the unit (mounting it backwards)would be possible....but sounds like not. It's a wall/window issue but I haven't moved anything yet! Great to take your class at Innovations!! Caroline

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