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Shredding Thread

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Two quilts this past month have been a nightmare of shredding top thread. Where the thread balls up behind the needle and then breaks about every ten inches. I did all of the normal checks and changes with no luck. Finally figured out that it was that blasted piece of batting on the first thread guide up from the spool. The one where you put the bit of batting with some silicone liquid? The batting had been on there a long time (from a batik quilt) and was shredding the outer coating of the thread. I yanked it off there and quilted the whole quilt without a hitch. I used to have one of those 'boxes' on the machine with sponges and silicone but didn't like it as sometimes changing thread would be a hassle. Just thought would post in case anyone else has similar problem.

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I'm sorry to hear you were having problems, and glad to hear that you have figured it out.

I have heard of people using batting in the thread guides, but knock on wood, I have not had any problems to cause me to go to this. Also, I have not used the silicone. I don't have problems with thread breaking, so I am forturnate in that.

Glad to hear things are resolved and looking up. I'm sure what you said will help a lot of people out there.

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Hi Jeanette

Sometime ago, a year at least, there was a post on here about buying the porcelyn (sp) guides that you put on fishing poles and use them as thread guides. I tried a search on it here and couldn't find it, but maybe someone out there can enlighted us on that. Those guides don't get burrs or wear like the metal ones do. I know that sometimes the guides do need to be replaced if you start shreading the thread.

I've never used batting in the guides for silicone, I was told to put about 3 or 4 strips of silicone down the thread cone and it sinks into the thread. Am I doing this wrong?

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I also just do the lines of silicone on my thread. Poly batting can sometimes shred thread. I've found that out doing several comforters with 10 and 12 oz. poly batting. The first one I started with cotton thread and couldn't get more than a few inches without the thread shredding. Switched to perma core and the shredding stopped.

I also sometimes put a drop of silicone on my needle if I'm having thread breaking problems that nothing seems to fix.


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