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Another newbie

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Good morning Elsie,

Welcome to the forum. This is probably the best place in the world to come for information and help with anything to do with longarm quilting....or if you just need a chuckle. These have to be the greatest group of women...and men...any where. If you want to search the site for something you are having questions about, there are several topics covered. Or if you need an answer to something right away, just post a topic, someone is usually on board and ready to give a helping hand. Congratulations on becoming a Millie owner...you will love it.

Oh, and we love pictures!!

Mary Beth

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Welcome Elsie.

This forum is the one tool in my toolbox that gets used most. I can ask for help, bring ideas and encouragement to others and learn about new tools and techniques.

And we do love photos. So be sure that your toolbox includes a digital camera. :)

Congrats on getting a Millie. Can't wait to see your work.

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Hi Elsie,

Welcome to our family. We have a huge circle of lovely quilters here, that are always happy to give their support whether it is a quilting problem or if you just need a warm hug over something painful that has happen in your life.

There is a love here.

Have fun with your new baby.

Carol j.

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