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A customer's request

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I had a customer call me about two weeks ago stating that she had 8 quilt tops for me to pick up from our LQS. I was excited! So I go pick them up, get them home measure everything out and prepare a quilting quote for her. She approved everything but 3 and asked that I hold off on those for last.

OK no problem there.

I got the first 3 done and called to let her know how things were progressing. During the course of our conversation she said she had some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is she will not be sending me any new quilt tops.:(

The good news, her husband is buying her a Statler Stitcher! So she asked that I return all remaining quilt tops to her unfinished so she can do them.:)

I was expecting this to happen, just not so soon. So I am excited for her and have offered to come over and help her out with stuff if she wants me to. She was very grateful for the offer and said she will be taking me up on it.

There is an upside though, this clears my schedule for a bit so I can get some of my Christmas and competition stuffs done! I suppose I should finish the piecing first though.......:D

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