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HELP!!! Tension TOO loose...

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I am a newbie and have finished a quilt for a Chinese Auction. I thought I had checked my tension and now that I am done quilting I see that my tension is too loose. I know I have to rip all the quilting out but how do I go about reloading and quilting the quilt again? Do I baste it on the frame and then rip out the quilting? I want this quilt to be a proud effort as I am donating it in my son's name for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. The loose tension makes this impossible. :(

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I'm sorry you are having problems. If you need to tear out all of the quilting and you have unloaded the quilt then I would tear it out now, while you have it unloaded. It is much easier to handle when you can hold it in your lap, rather than reaching across the bars and putting a strain on your back. Then just start all over - that is just my opinion.

Also, you might get an answer quicker if you post this message under the topic "Quilting How To's" . That way the more experienced quilters will see your message. Hope this helps.

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I would literally take the binding off and start over if at all possible. I would make a quilt "sandwich" to scribble on off to the side of your quilt once it is loaded. This is what I do to ensure the tension is good before quilting on the quilt.

this way, if it is too loose or tight you can see it on the sandwich instead of having to rip out. I too did a row of a panto just to find loops on the back. No too bad to rip out but still a pain. Good luck!!

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You are right...thanks for telling me what I needed to hear. The worst that can happen is that I have to shorten my outer border, which I can do if I have to. I will do a better job of checking my tension as I go along. Another lesson in patience and tolerance...


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