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Break from quilting

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I am having a "forced break" from quilting and basically everything. I first got an ea & sinus infection. Put on antibiotics and told to go home and sleep for a few days by doctor. Then I somehow manage to get an infection in my leg. I was put on a stronger type of antibiotics and told to keep my foot elevated for a few days. You can't do much sitting with your foot elevated.

My DH is looking forward to me being up and well again as he has been doing all the cooking, dishes, cleaning and laundry. On the bright side I did try my first hand quilting project. It doesn't look too bad for a first time.

Will try to get Birthday blocks finished soon.

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April I am sorry to hear about your forced break from quilting. I do hope you feel better and are back to your usual routine soon.

Hey if it were me being told to put my foot up I would have a really good excuse to work on the hand applique border I am putting on a quilt..............as it is I have to just do a little here and there and keep trying to make good progress.

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Here's a little tip from my dentist of all people. He's a great one for using natural products for wellness. I used to have a lot of sinus and allergy problems and he told me to buy honey from a local beekeeper. Use that in tea or whatever you bake etc. In this way, you are working up an immunity to the local little beasties that get us. Seems to have worked for me. Another health nut I know told me about the 1 tablespoon of honey and vinegar equal parts every morning to help combat viruses. That little trick also helps. Again, use the honey from your own area, not the store bought kind. ;);)

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