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spooks in my millie

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Tonight as I was quilting, my machine started adding another stitch after I stopped. This is driving me nuts. I get ready to pull up the bobbin thread and the machine takes another stitch, almost every time. It is driving me nuts. Sometimes, I'm not even touching the machine. Like I said - spooks. Anybody got an idea what is wrong?

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Do a search for #8 screw adjustment or needle-up-down adjustment. It is an easy fix--not ghosts in the machine!!! Mine would do this after a work-out. The longer I worked, the more stitches it would do after stopping. The fix entails lifting the top hood and adjusting a tiny screw. Good luck.

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Like Linda said, this is an easy adjustment - the info is in the manual, and there's lots of info on this topic in other chats. I've done it (well, my DH has done it!) twice since setting up my Milllie in March, and Mark Caraher demonstrated it at the APQS Maintenance seminar at Innovations. I find that if I leave my Millie turned on (as directed by my DH to save wear and tear on the circuits), then I get the "non-stopping" needle, so I've been turning her off, even when I'm only going to be away for a little while.

Good luck with your adjustment!

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