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My kids are sabotaging my business

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My kids are off from school this week because of fall break, can you say chaotic? And this is putting it very mildly.

Yesterday I was trying to conduct business and everytime I thought it was quiet enough to make a phone call to a customer the kids just started acting up, it's as if they have some sort of alarm that goes off inside them the moement that I get on the phone or something...anyways one of the calls was to a customer to let her know that her quilt was done and that she needed to set up an appointment for pick up. She wasn't home and I got her answering machine instead so I decided to leave her a message, all went fine until I got to the point when I needed to leave my phone #. For the life of me I couldn't remember my #, LOL messed it up a couple of times before I decided to look at my business cards for it. The kids had me so distracted that I just went blank. How bad is that? :(

Maybe it's time to send the kids to Grandmas for a day... or two :P

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how bout forgetting that you don't work in a public place any more and you answer the phone, "University of Missouri Extension office, this is Mary, how may I help you?" I don't really get all the way through, but if I don't stop and think...that is what I would say....:D

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Speaking of praying and minds....

We had a preacher/friend once who told his congregation that they were going to "bow thier eyes and close their heads." What do you think that did to his flock?! I know what I would have done for the rest of the sermon...my mom would get onto me for stuff like that!!

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...think that's bad? after my son was born I went to the library for a new card -my husband was with me -they asked my name -I gave my maiden name...then asked my address, I gaven them:P my parents address, they asked for our phone number, I gave them my parents!...omg...we laughed...he said it was wishful thinking!

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I'm on the phone nonstop all day, I leave a LOT of messages. I just rattle off the message now without even thinking of what I'm saying. Imagine my surprise when my cell phone rings after 5:00 and I end up with a voicemail from a customer and realize I've left a message using my number and not the business number! I don't answer numbers I don't recognize, I make them leave a message. LOL!

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I worked at the YMCA for a while. We would have to answer the phone at the Y like this "It's a great day at the YMCA. This is Cheryl. How may I help you?"....Well, I would come home and answer the phone that way. Some friends would be a little confused, needless to say. My girls would get a big chuckle out of that and friends would laugh. I wasn't quilting at the time so no customers to worry about...thank goodness.


PS. I haven't done that in years...now that I mentioned it, I'll have to watch myself today when answering the phone.:P

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I know what you mean about family sabatoging you. I am off this week for fall break also. Thought I'd get some serious quilting done. NOT , suddenly my DH and son have about a million places they need me to go for them, things they need me to do for them.I'm about ready to scream. I am finding out that I definitely could not quilt full time as a job FROM MY HOUSE. I would need a separate location, or at least some big locks on the doors and no telephone.

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Drop 'em off at grandma's and pick 'em up when they are ready for high school!!! LOLOL

Whenever you need to make phone calls, can you feed them? It's hard for them to fuss while they are eating, right? Either that or check to see if you can lock the bathroom door from the outside.........

BTW, remember-you don't have to worry when you forget your phone #, you have to worry when you forget that you have a phone!!!

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Joann I sure do identify. My 9 year old saves up a temper trantrum for when I am on the phone. She just can't get it thru her little head that mommy is on the phone! Fortunaly I can go in the the TV room that is pretty soundproof to make the rest of my call on the cordless. I do tell my girls that I am going to make a phone call and they have to be quiet.

If your kids are out of school for a week you might want to take advantage of Grandma to help you out with them a bit. Remember they are tyring to get your attention and that is their way of doing it.................not a good way but it sure is effective for them!

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We all have busy schedules.

Places to be, Things to do, Quilts to finish.

But if Family has time off, Enjoy it. And Enjoy them.

Kids automatically want your attention. Give it to them!

You can never get yesterday Back.

I have two 7 year olds. Seems like they were just born yesterday.

I run my business and am actually going to open up a shop, But my family always come first.

I make business calls while the girls are home, and sometimes they are "whooping and hollering" up a storm.

My customers often ask "how are the girls?''

They are part of my life and part of my business.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

There is no better sound than a child's laughter.


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Originally posted by Mary Beth

how bout forgetting that you don't work in a public place any more and you answer the phone, "University of Missouri Extension office, this is Mary, how may I help you?" I don't really get all the way through, but if I don't stop and think...that is what I would say....:D

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Guest Smile&nod

Child's laughter is one thing.

Child's 'ear shattering screech of "Mooooooooommmm he's LOOKING at me funny" followed by the inevitable crash of the dvd player hitting the floor, followed by the howling dog that the dvd player just fell on, and the "look what you did now" hiss of the older brother' is quite another.


Not that this has ever happened to us while we had clients over. Really. :cool:

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see first post quote, I'm glad I'm not the only one that answers the phone with my former life!!

I've spent my life buried face first in a computer screen doing payroll so I don't know when NOT to hit the enter button and have to take a deep breath or I will say "Payroll, this is Dale" :P

at least my voice isn't anywhere near as crabby sounding!! LOL


dale aka mwl

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I live in terror I'm going to answer "Vista Jail, Deputy Rembold" on my business line. The home line doesn't bother me because they already know me. See, it could be worse! As excited as I am when the business phone rings, I have to stop myself and repeat "Creative Quilting, this is Merry Jo, How can I help you".

They kids.........well, I'm convinced the only time it's necessary to interrupt me is when I'm on the business line.

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I will never forget the time my son Thomas decided he wanted a Pop-tart while I was talking with a customer.

I smelled smoke & ran into the kitchen to find that he had put the poptart with the foil wrapper in the toaster & it was on FIRE! :mad:

I am happy to say no one was hurt, but I thought I was going to die of embrassment! I did get a new toaster & will never buy poptarts again!

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