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Hey tech guys (Tad?)--is all the spam I am getting lately--one in Russian----connected to this site? We seem to have lots of outsiders registering which are usually removed in a timely manner. But, I have a spam blocker and am getting an inordinate amount of medication, car, and porno emails. (I don't open them-- I trash can immediately.)

Would you recommend removing an email address from my bio and only putting it on my signature?

Anybody else getting un-wanted stuff? Maybe I need my DS the computer whiz to come for a visit! Thanks in advance for your reply.

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I'm also getting tons of spam email. I don' think it's connected to this site, I just think there are more people putting it out. Usually the ones we get are sent to a bunch of email addresses at the same time, only a few letters away from ours; then we get included. It sucks, but I just delete it as fast as I get it.

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My concern was only for the members who have their email address posted on their bio. I do, as does Teresa. This gives access to lots of email addresses for the whole group by anyone who registers. Victoriasews does not have her email listed and she hasn't had a problem. Do you think there is a connection?

I will remove my email, I guess and only do U2Us for a while.

Maybe Tad will chime in soon.

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There is a huge surge right now in spam from Russia in general, in fact it's getting so bad that some Internet providers like Comcast and AOL are blocking all mail from .ru addresses--so you're definitely not alone in getting this type of spam.

Are the spammers getting your address from APQS.com, no.

We use a small program running in the background of the website chat that masks email addresses on the site so computers scanning the site for emails can't "see" them, but you can still see them on the screen if you're looking at the pages. So unless they're looking at each page and writing down your address they're not getting your address through us.

While this program has worked well so far at stopping spammers they always adapt--which is why we're already working on the next round of security changes for the chat which will be online before the end of the year.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


APQS.com Support

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I also have spam on the website addy, and only just a few on my MSN email addy.....it is as already stated it all depends on how good the filters are at your server. Which is why I have several email addresses...one main one which is where all the spam goes, and one that you do all your business on.

I don't know how many bank spams I get each day....but I know that they are all spam when they come to my odd site, because I have never used that address with any banks, paypal accounts, ebay or others that I might use while doing online bill paying.

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I have Comcast, too, and I get very little spam. Have you opened one accidentally? If you did they may have nailed down your email address that way and then just pass it along and share it. Just keep deleting them and it will slow down eventually. You might check into getting the higher filter with Comcast, I forget what it's called, there might be a charge for it tho.

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