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Catfish McTavish?

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I just e-mailed a LA friend recommending Karen's 'Quilting For Show' book. Did you know that if you use Spellcheck on an e-mail containing Karen McTavish's name, the suggested correction is 'catfish'? :D:D I'm bustin' a gut here.


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Yah, spell checker can be a blessing as well as a curse. The words public and pubic are both in the spell checker but apparently the latter word made it into a well published, well circulated document and of course, the word was used out of context but nonetheless it was funny/embarrasing. (and no, it was not published in a McTavish book...thank God!) LOL! ;):P

I can just imagine the faux pas headlines now: "World renown quilting celebrity and icon, Karen McCatfish, was seen out in pubic on Tuesday, signing her latest book and showing off her cool new half sleeve tatoos to her adoring fans." :cool:

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