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Fires in Southern California

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I was just searching for info on the fires and found an article saying residents of Ramona were forced to leave their homes. Linda are you out there and is everything okay??

I know we have several chatters in California, hope everyone is safe and sound right now. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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I didn\'t realize that Ramona was in the Malibu area. Linda, let us hear from you!

My nephew\'s wedding was at the chapel at Pepperdine University several years ago. I was glad to hear that the university was spared, but sad to hear that the fire destroyed that big church. That area is so beautiful. I hope that they are able to get the fire under control ASAP.

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Hi I live in North San Diego County and Ramona is a little south and and about 35 miles east of us. I\'m glad they had them evacuate even if the fire hasn\'t reached them. There is a huge black wall of smoke all to the south and east of us.

It was soooo hot yesterday and the Santa Ana winds whipped up and almost 0 humidity. It\'s just a matter of where the fire is going to start with those conditions.

You and your family are in my prayers Linda.

Update 8 am - Our news is reporting the fire in Rancho Bernardo which is about 25 miles south east of us that is getting in more residential suuburban areas and west of Ramona. I don\'t know if that fire started somewhere else, but this is a big one. They have closed down most schools in our area including the Community College my sons attend a mile from our house.

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I can\'t seem to find my cell phone number for Linda, but I was able to find this on the California Wildfire website....doesn\'t give us much information, but at least its something. They are calling it the WITCH fire.....out west we name our fires, but geographic locations. I wasn\'t able to find out when the fire started or in which direction it was moving, but will keep trying now. I honestly wasn\'t worried about Linda, because the fires they were mentioning on the TV were about 150 miles north of her. This isn\'t its right on top of her.

NEW Witch (San Diego County): 10,000 acres at zero percent contained. This fire is one mile east of Ramona. The community of Ramona under evacuation. Hwy 78 is closed from Ramona to Santa Ysabel, Wildcat Canyon is closed, and Hwy 67 is closed from Poway Rd to Ramona.

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Hi Bonnie,

Witch is short for Witch creek or valley or somthing like that. Linda has for sure been evacuated because the news said they evacuated all of Ramona, about 36,000 people. It\'s clear by us in Oceanside, but 15 minutes south it solid smoke. We are the northern most part of San Diego right below Camp Pendleton.

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Yes, they have evaculated the whole community as well they have an evacuation issued for Julian as well. This, is where Eleanor Burns lives....

Was able to find out that the fire started Sunday afternoon and the wind is blowing really bad. The zephyers off the water have no mositure so its fanning the flames and not helping the firefighter at all. The State has asked for an addtional 1,000 people for this fire,....as of one hour ago the wildfires were only about 1% contained and over 10,000 acres....Witch Creek fire has now blended into one other fire and they are execting it to go clean to the coast before they can either get around it or over take it. All this is according to a new article published by CNN.

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Hi you guys. I am safe. There are 8 fires burning out of control in southern California. The Witch Creek fire started about 8 miles from my house.

My MIL passed away Monday and we had to go up to the bay area to make arrangements. I left my DH up there because I had made a commitment to a friend to have a longarmers booth in the Ramona quilt show. The show went well. I was behind on a deadline for a quilt so was working Sunday when I saw the smoke. It was big, brown and looked closeby. Emergency services have improved since the Cedar fire 4 years ago Oct 22. I got 2 recorded "Prepare to evacuate" phone calls starting about 2:30 PM. There were also police from other San Diego communities driving thru the Country Estates where I live with a bullhorn announcing voluntary evacuations.

I did not want to repeat the same mistakes I made 4 years ago. "La-de-dah, we\'ll be back in time for dinner." We were not allowed to return to our homes for 2 and a half days. The phones were out for over a week so we couldn\'t even call and get our answering machine so we would know if the house had burned down or not. We have 2 neighbors who lost there houses and the folks across the street lost their back fences. The Cedar fire came very close. So this time I packed clothes, meds and extra tanks. (I use oxygen during Santa Ana winds). Santa Anas are all a bit different but when they blow from east to west, like this one, they do not die down at night. The firefighters do not get a break. The smoke was so bad that air tankers could not fly to drop fire retardant or water so the fire burned unchecked.

I could see my neighbors packing up with their cars pointing toward the street, ready to leave when notified. I had already packed my customer quilts in the car but I was determined to finish that quilt before I left in case I was away for 2 or 3 days. I know, dumb, huh. But a commitment is a commitment. I finished it, folded it up, grabbed the dog and left. The roads were pretty clear. 25 minutes later they started mandatory evacuations. I watched it on TV from a hotel room in Poway, 20 miles away. But then early this morning my son called and woke me with the news that they were evacuating Poway, too. I changed hotels to Mission Valley in San Diego. I can see the smoke but I don\'t think I will have to put towels over the door to keep the smoke out like I did in Poway last night.

DH is stuck in the bay area and feeling so helpless. He will be driving down but so many roads are closed. Please pray for his safe return and for all those folks who lost their lives. The TV shows houses burning down from Malibu to Mexico, my heart goes out to those people. The fires continue to rage out of control. We are nowhere near the end of this disaster. Lord, hear our prayers.

Thank you for your prayers and you encouragement. You guys are the best.

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Linda, thank you so much for taking time to log in here and post your news. I have been thinking about you (and others in that area) all day today. :(

Praying for the wind to switch directions so it burns itself out and dies down completely, a big storm cloud full of rain and many prayers to be answered. Keep in touch. Your DH will be with you soon so you can comfort eachother and muddle through this together. Until then, know you have many friends hanging in there with you, honey.

(((many hugs)))

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You were in my thoughts all day. I will pray for all of the fires. My relatives are evacuated in Carlsbad. Many are ready to go. I talked to my aunt in San Marcos and she said the smoke is terrible. The schools are closed and many can\'t go to work. My aunt said it\'s worse than you can really see on the news. Let\'s all pray that this will be over soon with no more loss of life. Cheryll

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Being safe is the most important thing. I was watching the news this morning and can only imagine how bad it really is! They interviewed many families that had lost everything but their attitudes were so positive and it made me thankful for what my family and I have! There were very few tears, most said they were happy to have gotten out with their families, everything else can be replaced. I would hope that if I were faced with that situation I would be able to remember that! It must be gut wrenching to see everything go up in flames.

You, your family and all the other families are in my prayers.


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