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Fires in Southern California

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I\'ll take a no shower situation, just to be back home in my own bed with my own pillows anyday.

Linda its so good to hear that you are home finally....how close did the actual fire get to the house....I know its ugly, but can you take some pictures of the devastation around your neighborhood....I guess the fire fighter in me won\'t die, and I would feel better sharing this with you, as may be some of the other also would. Does that make sense :(.

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Good news, Linda! Welcome home...tough times ahead getting back to "normal" again, but everyone in your community will pull together to make it the Ramona it has always been. Amazing things happen when amazing people come together. Some day you will look back on this tragedy and know that some really good (humanity) things came from it. So thankful for you. :) Shana

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I\'m so glad you\'re okay. I was thinking about you when I heard Ramona was being evacuated. I hope all stays well and you didn\'t lose your house. Then we got the call...

I\'m in Valley Center (No. San Diego County). I just spent 3 days in a shelter with my 10 yr. old daughter, 2 dogs, cat, and tortoise. I got my horses out to an area that had already burned about 4 hours before I got the mandatory evacuation notice (4 a.m.) via reverse 911. Once there is a mandatory evac. in place, people with trailers that could take your animals out are not allowed in, so I was lucky to have gotten them out when I did. Never thought I\'d be living in a shelter, thankful for a Red Cross meal, but they were great.

We lived in a 2-man tent in back of the local highschool which was the evac. center for 3 days. We had to be there because I had a huge flat bed trailer on my truck with all the dog crates, etc. , and couldn\'t fit into the regular parking lot. We were at the Ag. Department where people were walking, riding, and trailering large animals and livestock in. My horses were out of town, but I was able to help with the others left there. Some just had phone numbers written on their halters or spray painted on their sides.

My MIL is in an electric wheelchair, so Grandma & Grandpa stayed up in the gymnasium. The Red Cross gave them cots, pillows and blankets and kept everyone fed. They set up a TV so we could keep up with the fire, although they never said much about our area. We got briefings from the fire dept. when they could come.

Basically, we were surrounded by fire and there was no way out of the area. The fire dept. told us they would save the school with us in it and let the rest burn if they had to. They finally opened up one road out, but advised against leaving. Also, if you left, you couldn\'t come back. There was one way out, but no way back in.

We were allowed back to our homes late yesterday afternoon. Tonight my neighbor just called me to tell me she can see flames and the wind is coming our way. I knew better than to unpack when I came home, so I\'m just waiting for another evac. call. I can be outta here in about 10 minutes. I really hate picking through the house deciding what to take. I, like Linda, have all my quilts and my customer quilts packed. We called 911 and they said there\'s no evac. yet, but the fire is less than 5 miles away right now. I think they wait until it\'s 3 miles away. Hopefully they\'ll stop it.

My husband is a Deputy in Julian. He was at work when the fires started. Of course he has to remain there and is cut off from here. Julian was evacuated as well. Don\'t have any idea when he\'ll be able to get back here, so I\'ll just wing it on my own.

We thought we were ok, but we aren\'t out of the woods just yet. I\'ve been watching helicopters with water buckets and bombers flying over my house to the fire. In the 2004 Cedar fire came less than a mile from the house and then turned. The winds are unpredictable, but I think the Santa Ana\'s have died down and the on-shore are starting so hopefully this latest fire can be handled before it gets here. Just another night being afraid to go to sleep. For right now, at least I still have a house. I\'m not complaining.

I\'ll keep you posted. Linda, keep us posted when you can. Bye for now.

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