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how do you know you are finished longarming for the year?

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I finished my last customer quilt later last night....and I know I\'m done since I feel totally relieved and more able to concentrate on getting Christmas ready. I do have a charity quilt to do up for our guild in the next couple of weeks but that should be no problem. I\'ve been waiting for this moment for the last month. I\'ve been working hard on getting caught up since Greg died last month so I can look forward to some real "me" time to deal with all that\'s gone on the last couple of months. I\'m also planning on booking quilts in the new year at half my usual work load for a couple of months til I feel better. All I can say is that this morning I feel more relaxed than I\'ve felt since labour day.


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I delivered my last one last night. It was part of show and tell at our guild meeting and everyone loved my Koko pantograph I did on it so maybe it will bring more business in the future. I am so glad to be finished with these.

Now I need to get going on the rest of the backlog I have here............the ones that do not have a Christmas deadline. First in line is the custom heirloom I have been struggling with since October..............it has been off and on the machine multiple times. I reloaded it again yesterday and hope to work on it today and finish it up before I do anyting else. Thank goodness for zippered leaders!

I just want to spend some time on the needle turn applique on my log cabin quilt and relax by the fire and enjoy the holiday with my family.

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Friday dec. 14 my last quilt for the year was picked up, relived it is over for a few weeks. Was hoping to get to my holiday baking but haven\'t had a chance yet because I have been dealing with a nasty old cold virus that has made my life miserable it\'s been 6 days now and I am not as bad as I was but still not in the mood for baking yet.

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Guest Smile&nod

I know the missus will be finished as of Thursday, two days hence (does anyone even use hence anymore?). Last couple of quilts that she promised before Christmas.

After that, we\'ll be putting the Millie up for sale and getting out of this biz for good....

Nah, not really :) That last line was for the benefit of the trolls who\'ve tried spying on me wifey so they can continue trying to badmouth her to anyone who will listen. Helllooooo out there. Just playin\' ya darlin\'s. Hope you didn\'t choke on your eggnog...all that pent up angst must make it taste bitter heheheh :cool:

Thankfully, most of our family is now local, so no heavy travel required. So with Christmas quilts out of the way, I\'m pretty sure the machine will be quiet next week. Or at least until Wednesday. Then its Valentines day quilts, easter quilts, competition quilts, and if the Toady is patient enough, maybe my quilt too :)

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