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5 Year project now with pics

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;) Well, after five years of frogging (off and on) I finally had most of the quilting ripped out of this quilt. A little history: I made this as a contest entry for a LA quilter to use to show off her quilting--before I got my own LA-- and when it was quilted, it had HUGE sausage feathers all over it. It got handed back to me with the binding stitched on, trimmed the edges and the comment: I don\'t like the feathers so here you go. Wow. A shock. :( So, here is MY finished project. Be kind. I had no way of getting tension or anything else on this as I took out all of the stitching except the borders and the setting triangles. I also left the SID around the blocks. It is not perfect, but now at least I can have it out without being embarrassed, right? And a pretty quilt can be used. Here we go. I saved these pictures small so I hope they post correctly.



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Yes, Patty. I\'ll try to get the binding done, but you have to promise not to look to closely. The darn thing shifted a little in a couple of places. LOL

Oh, and to top it off, this was all done with the CQ. It was fun to use all the different features to play on this ruined quilt. I figured I could not go wrong. The feathers in the outside diamonds are Kim Brunner. The feathered hearts are Karen McTavish. The inside feathers are from Digi Tech. and the crosshatching is a custom digitizing done for me by Todd Brown. Very cool. I wish I could freehand this nicely, but I will someday. PPP!!


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Ok I am really thankful for the kind comments. This is also the very first quilted pics I have posted. So, now maybe I\'ll be brave and do some more. I have to give Sherry Rogers a huge bit of credit for this. I used her template idea to design the quilt. Ultimately, the 3rd one I did won out. I didn\'t even know for sure I could find the CQ designs, but indeed, I found every one I had drawn out. I am usually intimidated by figuring out what to quilt, but she really makes it easy to figure out. If you have the opportunity to take her design class, I would recommend it.


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