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KC Shophop / Sleepover

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Ok MB. Nothing like pressure to get me into gear and figure out a date for this shindig. :P You probably won't have to worry about telling Jeanne now. Have her get the car and GPS ready!!

I'm planning to take a Friday off and drive down that morning. I would just have to be back home by Sunday night. I don't care what shops we go to. I just want to make sure and hit the one with the japanese taupes (plan extra time here cuz you guys are going to help me pick out fabric) and the one in Lee's Summit. Oh, and I want to go to Sheridans. Daily. And I want to see and hold that beautiful granddaughter of yours.

If I got it right, any one of these weekend dates will work for both of us:

Aug 15th

Aug 29th

Sept 12th

If these don't work we are getting into mid/late October or the beginning of November for me.

How about you Linda?? Anyone else?? :cool:


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Both of the August dates work for me.

I will make sure Haylee is close by.

Sheridans is a go!!

Linda, that means you will need to fly in on Thurdsay night to make sure you get the full size bed :D

I will start planning our route.

And I will need to call Jeanne, she is much more disciplined than I, and doesn't glue herself to the computer all day.

Oh my gosh...we almost have a plan...finally!!

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April - I missed your post on the other thread. :o Sorry about that!!

Looks like a real plan is starting to form. I'm going to have to get in gear with my quilt and start planning it out. Right now it's just inspiration from a picture I took on vaca several years ago. I bought Pre-Design and took Sharon Schamber classes at MQS just so I could make this quilt and the japanese taupe fabrics will be perfect for it. I can't wait to go shopping now....


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The 15th it is then.

Can't wait. :cool:

Linda, What do you mean you get the bigger bed??? Are you flying down early? I could always drive down earlier... Maybe after work on Thursday.... Let me know when you flight gets in then I can time it so I get there before you!! ;)


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Having had a brief visit to some of the quilting shops in Kansas I would love to have joined you all but alas, too much work and too many babies.

However I have Birmingham, Festival of Quilts UK to look forward to next month and of course Houston and also only 5 weeks to a sunny break in Portugal :cool:.

Hope you are all having a great summer.

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Gosh April, I missed this post. Sorry you can't make it that weekend! Maybe next time.

FYI (I hate that)....it is 109 degrees (heat index) here today and the heat index is the same...should be a repeat tomorrow. I told DH just last week....wow, we sure picked a stupid time of the year to meet in KC :D:P:D We should be in Colorado or southern California....but no...we are all going to be here....melting :D:P:D

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Sure wish I could be there with you........you're all going to have way to much fun and I will miss you all AGAIN!!!! Sheridans sounds like a great place to go to me......have something very yummy, with ALL the calories for me.:D:D Next time..okay?


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