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Do any of you get stricken with "the fear" when starting a project?

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I find myself doing this and not sure if I am going mental or not...

I have several pieced tops (my own tops) that I want to quilt, but why do I continue to spin in circles perplexed with "what to do?" on my own quilts? I have these grand ideas, but when it comes to the time, am afraid to start because I'm afraid I'll screw up and it won't turn out like I hope it will, so I end up running back to my books, my patterns, to look for more (better) ideas. Mean time, these tops continue to sit unquilted. Why do I do this to myself? :D Am I getting weird? I am starting to think so! :o

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Or maybe you've thought and thought about what to put on a client's quilt; and you load it up and start the design you finally decided on......THEN you have second thoughts about whether it's the best choice. So you let it sit for a few days and you keep looking at it every little bit trying to decide (again) if it's right or you need to frog it. Arghhhhhhhh!!!

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Yes, Shana, ALL THE TIME!!!!!

Sometimes I'll finish a quilt then worry about calling the client because I'm afraid it isn't what she expected.

I just delivered a quilt to a client that I was unsure of the quilting designs I had chosen. It was fine as it was but it could have been quilted more in the negative space. That would have involved background fill, more time and more $$ than I had quoted. Turns out for her, less is more and she was happy. I was awake for many nights worrying about it and it all turned out fine in the end!!!!!

I have many of my own quilts that need quilting but I am like you........ afraid to begin!

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Seems very normal to me. If I see a quilt in a magazine with the quilted pattern, I get enough ideas and can take off. But if I just see a quilt top with no direction but my own mind...well, the spinning starts!

I have noticed if I am forced into a deadline, then I am fairly proficient at coming up with quilting ideas. I know exactly what you mean about your own quilts...seems like everyone else's quilt comes first and so I can't seem to put a deadline on my own quilt tops.

Sigh...and I hear ya!

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Oh, you mean like the 2 that are here at the shop with me that need backs? I know that I want to do feathers in both of them, and I can see what I want them to look like in my head. The problem is getting that executed onto the quilts. So, I'll finish one of mine if you finish one of yours!


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I know exactly what you mean Shana. I have about 4 or five maybe 6 of my own that are waiting to be quilted and I am sitting here NOT doing them. I know on a couple of them what I want to do but to execute what I am thinking and actually getting my hands to doing it are two different things.:( Then there are a few I have NO clue what to do with them. I took them with me to Julie's to ask her and she didn't give me much advice either.......I must have very strange quilt tops. I guess I will have to post them to get ideas from you pros. I love your ideas...I just hope I will be able to do what you suggest;).

It is easier to do a customer's quilt top most of the time for me because they have some idea what they want by the time they leave or they have chosen and edge-to-edge panto. If it is custom we have pretty much discussed what she wants where and for me that is better then me guessing.


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Hope your seeing you aren't alone because this thread shows me I'm not alone! LOL I do this all the time and I was wondering the same thing. I have no idea how many unfinished tops I have to do and they just aren't getting done. I know I just have to pull it out and say I'm going to do it and be done with it! For me I want to use my tops to test on but then after all my piecing efforts I don't want to "ruin" my top either! I'm going to try to get better about that!

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Oh, talk about pressure!!! :o:o:o

I would be afraid of not being perfect and having the other quilter say "I knew I should have done my own....I could have done it better than that!!!" YIKES!

Maybe we should give it a try! I know I have a few I would be willing to swap quilting on.

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Hi Shana

Personally I am very directionally challenged, so much so that I even require a roadmap when quilting! Attached is an example of what I do to get my quilting direction.. This drawing has 4 different scenarios . I then chose my favorite from that. I avoid many a displaced design and the path gives me direction. Think of it as a QPS system!

Hope this helps a bit.

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Are we having a bit of "performance anxiety"???

One thing I learned with my painting, drawing, and designing dolls, quilts, clothing, etc. is that sometimes it's better to take a deep breath and press on. So many times I have climbed that mountain of fear to learn that it only takes one step to slide gracefully back to the valley... Here's my favorite quote ever:

"When we walk to the edge of all the light we have,

To take the step into the darkness of the unknown,

We must believe that one of two things will happen;

There will be something solid for us to stand on or....

We will be taught to fly" .....Patrick Oberton

Don't be afraid girls, I've seen all of your work, and it's beautiful. Even YOUR OWN quilts deserve the beauty you each know how to achieve...

luv -b

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Thanks Sherry--great roadmap hint! QPS--love it!

Shana--I think it is the emotional investment we have made piecing those tops. We want perfection from ourselves especially for our own quilts! I know I try to improve constantly and try new techniques so maybe we think if we wait until the next "new" thing, it will be the perfect design. I have an In the Beginning lattice garden top waiting in line. It is 6 years old and one of my first quilts. I think I may get to it this year! I have seen your talent my friend--go for it!

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Shana Oh my, I'm so happy to see I'm normal:D:D I spent a year just piecing tops, lots of tops in anticipation of getting my own LA. I've had my machine almost a year now and I've only quilted about 10 of them so far.

I know what I want to do on them but I'm afraid to start... fearing a better idea or learning experiance will come along and I won't have the perfect quilt on hand to try it out on.

Now I'm holding out waiting to get a CL.

I also LA quilt PT at a shop, I don't have this problem with her customer quilts and usually can't wait to get started. But like others have said, the customer usually takes ownership of the final design say and usually has a deadline that needs met.

Actually I think... at least for myself...I have toooo many choices to choose from...

and can't make up my mind. Why? because I have almost every LA tool, ruler, book, pattern, & video known to man:P:P And Of course I want even more neat stuff.

Someone mentioned a 12-step program awhile back. Is that a New Tool or New Video I missed?


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Are you asking how I get the picture to begin with? If yes, in this case I was provided the drawing via Judy Martin as this is one of the quilts I did for her most recent book, "Log Cabin Quilts"


If the quilt were my own or belonged to a client I would hang and photograph the quilt and then print it off on my printer. From there I staple a piece of vellum over the print and then start drawing ideas.

Does that answer your question. If not holler..

Originally posted by Renae

Just how did you do that Sherry???????????? HELP!!!!!


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Sure wish I had gotten that a week ago...LOL I have a barn raising Log cabin on the machine as we speak and had the hardest time deciding what to do. I played a little like this but not enough. I love your ideas! I ended up just doing a panto on it and it is coming out beautiful but I really like your idea with the coninuous curves! I'll keep that for future reference!

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Not sure if it's fear or.......

....indecision, but you're ahead already Shana, if you're only stumped on deciding quilting patterns. I wish I was at that stage!

My indecision still extends to 'what pattern', 'what fabric', how big, etc., etc. I haven't even got to the indecision about.....my indecision about quilting design, but I understand perfectly what you're speaking about. So, it seems, do a lot of others! I'd say you're perfectly normal!


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Sherry: I don't know if you made the quilt and did the quilting, but all of the designs are simply lovely! I'm decision-challenged, so I'd likely have a problem deciding which of the four designs to choose. Excellent idea, though!


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