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Being taken advantage of

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I just finished two quilts for a lady I consider a "friend." The total came to $350 and she knew this was going to be the price before she left my house when she dropped them off two weeks ago. I delivered them to her work today, she looked at the bill and said "ouch." Then she asked if she could pay me tomorrow or another day this week in cash because she didn't want to write me a check. I was so surprised I said okay because I didn't know what else to say. What would you have done?

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I probably would have done just what you did but in the future I would call before delivering and ask if they'll be paying with cash or a check. Then if she said "ouch" at the amount I'd tell her to just give me a call whenever she had the money and I'd deliver the quilts then.

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Good idea Julie. What's funny is that when I finished the first one, I asked her if she wanted it right away so she wouldn't have to pay for both at the same time and she said no, she wanted to wait and get them both at the same time. It stresses me out when someone puts me in this position and I feel taken advantage of.

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Don't let this slide more than two days without calling her to ask for your money....if she had it she could have gotten to the bank knowing that you would be showing up anyday. i have had a customer that would play this game over and over...finally figured out which days were her pay day and asked to meet her at the bank...trade quilts for money;):P

Good luck...this makes even a more sour note when you thought this person was a friend..:(

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Of course, if you had had time to think, you could have taken the quilts home with you, but these things catch us off guard.

To me this is no different from someone who breaks into my house and steals $350.00 cash.

You may have to be brutal. Ask me how I know.

Do not let her hide behind a telephone. Do not be put off. You delivered in person. Collect in person.

You know where she works, and you should just show up there every day until you get your money. If 'your friend' avoids you, sweetly leave a message with her co-worker that she owes you $350.00 and said she would pay you today. Then say that you will come back tomorrow. And then do it. She should be mortified to have a bill collector show up at work!

If she doesn't pay, notify every longarmer in your state!

We have all been taken advantage of. (My father colorfully referred to it as "being screwed without the benefit of intercourse"!) Take advantage of me once, shame on you. Take advantage of me twice, shame on me.

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I hate when this happens, and yes I think it has happened to all of us at least once. After all she did know how much it was going to cost when she left them with you and you gave her a chance to take them seperately to make the payment less "ouch" but this was her choice and she should not have put you in that position. I would not have left the quilts with her though, I would have taken them back with me and said that when she had the money to give you a call (only except cash) and give her a deadline (like 2 weeks..long enough for her to have another payday) and tell her that if you did not get paid by that time the quilts will become your property to sell to recoupe your losses and time. After all you are running a business and I am sure that if her employer held back her pay she would not like it any more than you did.

On the other hand hang in there, maybe you just caught her by surprise and everything would work out in a few days.

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I especially hate when "friends" take advantage of you like that. I wonder if she is trying to "hide" the price from her hubby...I understand there are those that do that. I sure hope she pays you soon. In the future I would call her and ask her cash or check like somebody else suggested and not deliver until she paid. Sorry that you had to go through this and it opens my eyes to other problems that can arise in our business.

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I say humor fixes most things. Just smile and say, "Oh, girlfriend, not a problem at all. I'll bring them back to you when you have your finances worked out. I will love having them to show new customers since you did such a good job piecing them. See you soon sweetie.":P:P (Remember, you have the ultimate "down payment" as long as you have the quilts.) If she could only pay for one, you only give her one. "Which one do you want to take, girlfriend?"

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