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Thread breaking

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Hi everyone, I'm hoping for a suggestion that will solve a thread break problem.

I am using Superior Rainbow Variegated in the top and bottom line in the bobbin. I sew about 12 inches and the top thread breaks. It seems like it is breaking at the needle hole or right before.

I've checked for burrs, found none. Changed my needle and used crocus cloth to smooth they eye of the new needle.

My towa is reading about 22 for the bobbin, which is my typical setting. I've skipped a hole in my three hole thread guide.

I've loosened the top tension a bit also.

Any suggestions would be great so I can finish this top today.


Pat (Ultimate II)

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Thank-you Jerri, I didn't check that, but you're right. That makes a difference. My eyes are not what they used to be, getting the needles in straight take me a while. Whats the best way to check that? Sometimes I put a piece of white paper just behind the eye and try to look on it straight.

But thanks for the hint. Hope it works.


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Also - you would think that the Rainbows thread being so tiny would take a tighter tension - but the exact opposite is true - the tension has to be VERY loose for Rainbow thread - when ripping out something that I had used Rainbow thread on, I noticed that it is a very "unsmooth" thread - it pulls out very difficultly when "unsewing" - probably why the tension has to be so loose - it's not smooth!

Good luck


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I too am having problems with a Rainbow varigated thread...unfortunately I have to have the top tension pretty high in order tokeep from having railroad tracks on the bottom. I will check the needle when I get home. I've put a piece of fleece in the first loop above the thread (that helped a lot with the railroad tracks too). I appreciate all the suggestions.

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I am having issues with tension also, but I believe it is because we have had a cold snap (in the 20s) and the house is dry. I found that if I keep a crock pot with water on low near the machine, it helps increase the humidity and cut down on static. It always seems worse with the 100% polys like rainbow and highlights. Also, some one suggested using sewer's aid, a thread and needle lubricant.

Good Luck!:)

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On one of my quilting lists..... the ladies were talking about using a used fabric softner sheets to keep the thread from tangling... I had a spool that insisted on twisting and breaking.... I stuck a slightly used.(I wet it and dried it then put it in the thread guide back at the spool......... It sure stopped the twisting problems..

Apparently there is enough fabric softner left in the sheet to stop the static

and help keep the thread from twisting.

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