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So frustrated! What do you do??

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I recently quilted 2 of these Hungry Catepillar quilts for a good customer. She brought me specific instructions on how she wanted the quilts quilted. I charged her my usual custom charge of 1.75 cents psi........ She was very happy with the quilting and showed the quilts at the guild meeting and all seemed good. Until today when I found out that she is very upset with the price I charged her for the two quilts and has been bad-mouthing my "expensive" quilting at the local quilt shop. ( I have done 7 or 8 Quilts for her so far) These quilts each measure 43 1/2 by 61 1/2 and the total before tax came to $ 93.64 for the two quilts. I have my work order sheet that we filled out at the time she brought the quilts and she signed the form after all was discussed!!! I do not feel that I overcharged her so called her so I could talk to her about the situation. Now she says that she made these for resale and with the cost of the quilt kits plus my cost for quilting she can't make any money on them. Is that my fault?? She seems to think so and even though I know better....it has caused me once again to doubt myself and my quilting business. GRRRRRR!!!!! What do you do??? Blowing it off is easier said than done and if she is griping to the girls at the quilt shop....who else is she running me down to??

Not very happy Janette

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I'd ask her how she feels about working for nothing. Then you can tell her you feel the same way. I wouldn't feel bad at all. You can tell her that my custom starts at .03 and they might make her feel like you are a real bargain! :P:P:P Why is it that people think that since you work at home you should work for nothing? So sorry you are going through that but hang tough!

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Janette, you only charged her .0175 for custom work??? You are very, very cheap. She has nothing to complain about and you should hold your head up high. You did exactly what she asked you to do and she signed the paper before you started quilting. All of your customers are aware of this I am sure, so eventually you will hear what she is saying which is actually hurting her NOT you!! Your work, it looks to me, speaks for itself. You do good work and you are more than reasonable. Your other customers, I'm sure already know this, and are probably wondering what is wrong with this other woman!!!

Some people need to complain because SHE can't make a PROFIT!! She is also in business for herself.......it isn't up to you to make her money. You are in business to make YOURSELF money and you did. You are the ONLY PERSON you are responsible for. I would say do nothing, because you can't do anything about her and you never will satisfy her, and if you back down or give her a discount or do anything cheaper for her she will expect it every time. And she will do the same thing again and again till you do. So I would say let her go.....with friends like that you don't need enemies.

Your work is beautiful and I love what you did to her quilt....but for custom work lik that I would have charged .03 psi for each quilt. :D That really would have p---ed her off. :D:D

(((((Quilt hugs to you))))) Renae

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Be aware of the fact that people who know this person know how she is--that is, she is difficult and self-centered. I hope she realizes she has lost the best quilter she will ever come across!

And I also bet that she didn't complain at the LQS about the cost of the fabric after she made the quilt!! And they will do nothing there but smile-and-nod since they don't want to lose a customer.

Chin up, head high--word-of-mouth about your great work will overcome this bump in the road. But boy, when something like this happens you want to scream!!

(Isn't this a welcoming place to vent? I always feel much better after sharing something outrageous with friends who understand.)

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When one goes into a LQS, do they ask for a discount because they intend for it to be a resale item....NO....

when one goes to the quilter does one ask for a discount because its going to be a resale item...NO

So either she needs to learn how to quilt her own things so she doesn't feel so pinched at the pump so to speak or she needs to just bugger off.... People like this live amoung us all, we all have had at least one of them in out clientel and we would all like to just tell them to "Bite Me", but we don't seem to cross that bridge and we stew and vent and then see red for several days.

Janette you are a great quilter...and you care about people that's why this is so upsetting....the next time should there be a next time...your prices have suddenly raised, you have a long waiting list and can't possiblly get to her quilt for serval weeks....maybe she then will get the message and slide back under her rock.

And the next time you see her out and about....do like the little penguins in Madagascar did...."Smile and Wave Boys....Just Smile and Wave" And then just walk away....

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I appreciate all the feedback and this forum is a great place to vent!!! I still feel bad but I do know I am not responsible for her making a profit on the quilts when she tries to sell them........oh by the way...I just had a thought!!!!!:P The Very Hungry Catepillar fabric is Licensed''''can she legally sell the quilts anyway?????


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I can't add anything more than what's already been said.

Sounds to me like she's trying to blame everyone but herself for the corner she put herself in. Just let her whine and wail and complain to everyone she wants to run her mouth but like Linda said, most people who saw the quilts and then heard her complain are taking it with a grain of salt. They are smart; they can see the real truth, and they already know the person she is with the big whiney mouth, so just let her dig herself in her pitiful little hole. She's really miserable and pathetic, isn't she?

Oh and guess what? You're in business to provide quilting services, and with that, you have the right to refuse service to anyone you choose. So next time she comes to you for a quilting job, tell her to take her quilt top and her pathetic fanny down the road.

PS: You need to change your "not very happy" to "very proud of the job I did" because it's beautiful. You did your part (and then some) so stand proud, girl!!!

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Janette, You do beautiful work! I would not feel guilty at all. She knew up front what she would be paying. And in answer to your question about legally selling those quilts. I don't believe that she can sell them because of copyright. I believe she would have to have permission.


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You charged less than I do for my basic minimum, Which is $50 per quilt. you only charged about $47.00 per quilt roughly, and for custom!!!! what did this person think you should have charged her?, $50 total for both quilts?

I would take her signed order form to the quilt shop she bad mouthed you at and show them what you charged and for the amount of work and tell them that most quilters nationwide charge double that for custom. Then let them pick up there mouths off the floor!;)

Seriously though don't let this person get to you, she's not worth it and she's taking her anger out on you when it is her own fault. When people are cutting back on what they buy they most likely won't be buying a child's quilt that would be selling for $100-$150. She probably was trying to make extra cash on the side and when it didn't work out she lashed out. NOT YOUR FAULT!! :)

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Originally posted by Nettie

The Very Hungry Catepillar fabric is Licensed''''can she legally sell the quilts anyway?????

That actually is a very good question..She might be able to sell one, but not multi...without permission to do so...wonder who you would ask for sure about something like this?

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Needless to say, she was trying to make money on someone else's talent. You did a wonderful job quilting and though I am no expert, you did not overcharge. If she wants to make money, then she better figure on doing all the work herself. I bought my LA due to the fact that I was getting to a point where I could not afford myself!!! More and more, I appreciate the great work all you gals do as I get into this wonderful world of LA'ing. It takes time to learn and takes time and talent to do as good a job as you did. Hat's off to you and don't doubt yourself!!

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Janette: One more thing here.... I totally agree with everyone...

When I sold advertising people were always asking for a discount... I asked them if they asked the cashier that at the grocery store or the hair dresser or when they tithe (sic?) at church? Then I would make them pay up front and again - do you tell the grocer "can I pay you next week" or the hairdresser, etc. you get my meaning. Perhaps ask her is she giving a discount when she re-sells the item? Why didn't she figure in all her costs before she decided to do this?

Tell her to get her own machine and see how hard it is to get started!

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Janette - I agree with all that has been said here, your quilting is well worth double what you charged her. When you take the paper work to the LQS, take along copies of the pics you posted here. After they look at your work and what you charged her, they should be talking you up and your new customers should be lining up to get you to do their quilts. Walk proud and smile -- you have done NOTHING wrong.:cool:

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Give me her number and I will set her straight!!

grrr....i cant stand people like that. You did a great job on those quilts!! Im glad she didnt bring them to me because she would really be complaining about the all over stipple I would put on them to help her save a couple bucks. That's just as bad as the customer that wants SID to "save money". She needs to understand the monetary investment along with the time you put in her quilts. Next time she needs quilting, she should just dole out the $17,000 on a machine herself.

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I just love the way you quilted that Caterpillar. That's custom and should be bringing you custom dollars. Unless you are a speed-quilter, that takes a lot of time to do the pebbles, swirls, etc. Are you making $25 per hour? I guess not at .0175 psi! I agree with what everyone has said and I authorize you to give yourself a raise, and a bonus for those quilts!:cool: You just earned it!

It's too bad she was a "good customer". Just wait until she comes back with more quilts to do, and sees your "new" prices!!! he he he :o

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Having just read up on the Copyright laws relating to quilts she should not be allowed to sell any of these patterns without paying the owner of the copyright a further fee. Most patterns allow you to make them for your personal use. You are not allowed to get any financial gain from the making of them.

Those quilts look exactly the same as the original "Eric Carle" book so they will definitely have a copyright on them.

Be proud of your quilting you made them look great, I'd love to be reading that book to some Grandkids under a quilt with as many stories as your quilting put into it.

On Monday she complained to her LQS, on Tuesday she was chased by the pattern owner, on Wednesday she was apologising.......... If you have read the book you would get my drift.


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You might want to check out the fabric. Many of the fabrics now have a copyright notice along the selvage indicating that the fabric can only be used for personal use - gifts and such - and can not be used for financial gain. Forget how it is actually worded, but have noticed it on a couple of fabrics I have purchased lately. I wouldn't doubt that this fabric might be in that group. I am sure a phone call or two would get you the info. I know that Bayside Quilting in Olympic, WA has the fabric and I am sure other shops still have it also.

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You are extremely cheap on custom work. In our area most custom quilting starts at .05 psi. Stick to your price and actually raise it. Check out your other quilters in the area and see what they are charging. That way you can see if your price is way too low.

Whatever you do don't charge less. Painters, Plumbers and others belong to Unions to help keep their wages up. We don't have that, we need to stand up for ourselves because our work is worth it.


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