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NQR: Even Alaska Gets Tornadoes

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Wow....I guess you wouldn't expect one there any more than you would expect one in Montana... look at that dark sky... but without the foundations under those houses it wouldn't take much for them to fly to see Auntie Em and Toto.

Hope no one was hurt, and like BonnieR said...just a Whoop and Holler.

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Originally posted by Boni

Was it a destructive tornado, or just a whoop and holler?

I'm pretty sure it was just a "woop and holler" not a big twister.

Originally posted by kreacher

Hopefully, if pigs do go flying, they will be wearing lipstick.

Very funny. ROFLOL!

But I have seen a moose wearing lipstick but it was the wrong shade of red...it wasn't very complementary.

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I agree. Plum shaded lipstick looks best with moose fur.

Kreacher, I'm pretty easy going and I let your "pigs with lipstick" comment slide this time, but I ask that you please not start up a bunch of trash about my state's governor, Sarah Palin. Let's just let this political crap go, OK? It was starting to get really nasty. Enough already with the bridge and the politics and what ever. I am not picking on you, and I respect your opinion. I respect everyone's opinion. But I think we all had that fun topic of discussion and pretty much beat that horse to death. It's time to get back to quilting, and tornadoes and cute babies and stuff. Please, let's keep politics out of our quilt chat world. :)

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Please, let's keep politics out of our quilt chat world.

Tuff to do since they do seem intertwined. Yesterday, prior to the yanking of the VP string, the topic did turn back to quilting issues. Someone who owns a shop was expressing dismay about increases in local taxes on thier shop, while others shops nearby weren't having to collect a higher tax. Since politicians are the one's who decide tax issues, I guess politics and quilting do play side by side.

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Originally posted by kreacher

Please, let's keep politics out of our quilt chat world.

Tuff to do since they do seem intertwined. Yesterday, prior to the yanking of the VP string, the topic did turn back to quilting issues. Someone who owns a shop was expressing dismay about increases in local taxes on thier shop, while others shops nearby weren't having to collect a higher tax. Since politicians are the one's who decide tax issues, I guess politics and quilting do play side by side.

I absolutely don't mind discussions about local taxes on local quilt shops and issues like this. It's good to share information and get advice.

My point was that the snide name calling like "pigs with lipstick" (referring to Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comment and he now regrets saying it) and all the continued rhetoric ad nauseam about the presidential campaign was (is) getting a bit old. But it seems like you want to start it up all over again. I don't quite understand your motive. Perhaps you enjoy creating grief... OK I think we all know your political point of view as you have already stated it so many times.

Can we just move on now? Please.

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Wow!!! what a sight! Thanks for sending that picture, Shana. 'course, where my Dad lives just south of Austin, TX fairly common occurance during certain times of the year but it's probably really freaky up there!

All the gorgeous pictures I've seen this last couple of weeks of Alaska makes me want to move there! But coming from Southern California (6 miles from the ocean), I don't think my thin blood could deal with the temperatures. You all have some of the most magnificient scenery in the world, tho.

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Originally posted by sammi357

bonnie, I've seen funnel clouds in MT. I guess they're not considered tornadoes unless they touch down?


So have I, in Montana... there was one that came through the ranch I was raised on in Petroleum County..we were building a round steel grainary and it was all we (12 of us) could do to keep the thing from flying away...we had one side higher than the other and it was going to tear off the foundation and tip over if we didn't all hang on it, while hanging on it we saw the thrashing machine flip over, not much we could do there...we could see the storm coming for several miles before it hit, we were prepared and had time to get the ropes up and over the top before it hit... it was a rough dirty ride. The same storm took a full grainary off its foundation on the ranch above us and spilled all the wheat into the creek next too it. Big loss there.

Then when married we moved to Billings, and we had several there as well from 1976 to 1987.....

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Little slow in getting this response but, you might want to tell your friend, coming from someone in Toto's world and who has been close to too many tornado's, it's not a smart thing to be standing outside taking pictures. OK, they may not have basements but, a closet is a good place to be at this point in the picture. OK, it's still an awesome site.

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