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first quilt show

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Oh, man...that's an understatement....a mess...the wondering if it got there, the wondering if it will get back home...the wondering if the angels will keep all the grubby hands off it..... When you put that much work into one its a big ordeal...but you will get through it, and as stated hopefully you have some added weight to the box when it gets home.;)

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Whew, I just took my customer's quilt to a show last Saturday and dropped it off. I remember looking around the room after they took it away from me. My kids never went to a sitter or daycare, I stayed home, but I think that must have been what it felt like. They had all the quilts laying in the center of the room. There was a door, that locks, and I am sure it will be safe there....but that quilt doesn't belong to me, it is my customer's quilt and she is trusting me with it....and I am trusting my quild members with it...and they are trusting the people at Crown Center, who will be hanging the quilt. The thing is, my guild has been doing this show for several years and I just have to trust them. If something happens...I will just leave town, change my name and go into the witness protection program :)

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Well, I don't know about ribbons...I'm still really a newbie piecer and quilter. I look at the beautiful quilting y'all do here and think, Whew! I may as well stay in bed! :D

I'm totally in Awe of the quilts posted here. And, every time I see one, realize I have a LOT to learn!

It was a pattern from Quilts from the Quiltmaker's Gift, #1, True lover's knot, in pinks and greens very similar to the one shown in the book. I also drew the quilt design and made it as 'continuous' as I could, with a little trillium flower in each square.

I'll try to get a pic this weekend, it's at the sewing festival here. Nothing like showing a quilt where EVERYone is a sewer and will probably see every boo boo!

It was three years and two retreats in the making.

I started the job from he!! in the meantime, worked there two years, left there almost exactly one year ago. Didn't sew a stitch in all that time, stress makes me not want to do anything. (does mending dh's jeans and overalls count?)

Started a new job this spring, which is much more relaxing and finally felt like sewing again.

When I finished quilting it, dh said, "Are you going to keep this one?!" :P because I have given the others I have finished away. (most of my friends are getting REALLY late wedding gifts! lol!)


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Pretty sure I would be ok with judges remarks. I took art classes in college, and we had 'critiques' where you had to put your art up and then let everyone discuss it, positive or negative. That, I understand and I'm used to!

But, :( I don't think they liked it!

(Where's the pouty lip un-smiley?)

anyway, it was hung in the back corner, folded up, and all the other quilts were hung fully unfolded. It wasn't even where I could get a decent photo.

I guess the others were more 'exciting'....Like the pre-printed panel one!

who knows. guess I'll wait to see if there were any judge's remarks. Maybe that will tell. ?


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