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NQR - Prayer Request

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My sister had emergency surgery last Thursday.

We had finally talked her in to seeing the doctor two weeks ago. She was having problems walking, and she was very confused at times.

The Doctor suggested to start with a CT Scan which was done last Thursday morning. The CT Scan revealed a mass in her head the size of a grapefruit. The doctors did a MRI, and determined it to be a cyst and would have to operate to place a tube from her head to abdomen to drain the cyst.

She was considerably better Friday morning, she was able to get out of bed and walk better then we had seen for some time. she was also able to carry on a conversation. She has had good moments and bad moments, especially with the terrible headaches. We are hopefully that she will continue to get better, and be able to take care of herself eventually.

It is so hard to see someone getting worse everyday and not be able to do anything for them until they are ready to get help.

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